Show all posts of all categories

  • This is my first question, so please forgive me if there’s any considerations that I should have taken into account!


I’m designing a blog, that has a sidebar with category links to open the associated posts.

But I’d like to have a link to display all posts of all categories.

I can I achieve it?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

You only can display up to 100 items per collection list.

You can have up to 20 collection lists per page, unless you have business hosting.

So, you can display up to 2000 items per page, double if you have business hosting.

Read more here ► [LIST] Feature Availability & Limits

If you want pagination, you’ll have to wait for Paginate Collection Lists | Webflow Wishlist or implement a manual workaround (by creating multiple pages).

Hello @samliew, thanks for your answer, but it’s not exactly what I’m talking.

The point is that I’v got a list with category names, and each someone clicks a category it shows the posts associated.

I really like to have in the same category list a link saying “all” (like what happens ini wordpress, for example) so that the visitor could see all posts of all categories.

Is it possible? How?


You either display ALL on the same page, then use Mixitup filters to filter by category (as well as being able to reset to all), or

You can also have a separate duplicate page with no collection list filters applied to the list, and link to that page instead.

Either way you’ll have to take note of the limitations I described in my previous post.

Hello @samliew, is there any tutorial on how to make “Mixitup filters to filter by category (as well as being able to reset to all)” ?


Yeah, there are lots of tutorial on this forum. You’ll just have to search. Here’s an example [TUTORIAL] MixItUp filtering plugin with Dynamic content

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Thanks @samliew .
I wonder if this is “compatible” with udesly so that the site could be transformed in a wordpress template.
Thanks anyway

Hello, do you found a solution? I’m looking for filtering my cms with dynamics categories. But not really easy with Webflow+Udesly…
See you.