I was going to show my client how to use the editor - but see here was something “unpublished”?
Don’t know what it is?
Can’t see what it is? here is no button to press?
- or can’t I delete this? Please help! Thanks a lot
I was going to show my client how to use the editor - but see here was something “unpublished”?
Don’t know what it is?
Can’t see what it is? here is no button to press?
Why can’t I delete this?
You will not be able to delete this. Anything that you do to the site will reflect here. Whether you show someone how to change it and then remove that change before publish it will still show as an unpublished change. Since the Editor saves like in the Designer, when you make an adjustment within the Editor it will think you have changed something even when you really havent.
Unfortunately, at this time there is no way to reverse this other than to publish the change.
@rileyrichter or @Brando you guys have any insight into this matter?
Happy Designing,
Thank you Webdev_Brandon! But it is several months ago, I have been in the editor, and can’t remember what I maybe have done. So it will overwrite what has happen the last months, if I publish this?
Yes that is correct. However, i would make that push after hours just so u can review it and make adjustments within the designer. It’s as easy as going backwards with the saves WF provides
would that say I have to publish this, what is in editor.
And then go back to designer, into backup- and then restore to the next latest back-up (which is 15 days ago, which is what it is now)? Then I am where I am just now with this website?
For better clarification I’d recommend reaching out to customer support! They might even be able to remove this for u without having to publish it! They should be able to tell u what was changed. Since they have access to change logs!
Hi @neanea6060, thanks for reaching out. I cannot tell you what the exact change made and we have no way to undo those directly.
It looks like the change was to page settings on the collection page template indicated in the message: Image 2019-08-26 at 4.16.06 PM
I would advise to check the template page settings and make sure those values are expected, there is not so many settings to check for pages in the Pages Panel
Right now there is not an Undo feature for editors, but this is on the wishlist: Ability to undo or discard changes for CMS editors | Webflow Wishlist
I hope this helps.
Hi again cyberdave! No, this don’t help me?
it so many months ago I was in editor, only to look after something, but unfortunately I have done something.
And now I have to learn my client, - and I have this unpublished! What on earth shall I do???
Do I have to publish this, what is in Editor.
But Brandon said above your message: That Webflow might even be able to remove this for u without having to publish it! They should be able to tell u what was changed. Since they have access to change logs!
Brandon meant that perhaps this is possible. But looks like it isn’t, unfortunately.
Hi again!
I found that I had done something in the Designer in Collection. I had done a little change in " Help text: (Appears below the label to guide Collaborators, just like this help text). And I had not published that from the Designer.
And it was that which I saw in Editor, - and that makes me confused. Because I was not aware that what I had done in “Designer” came over to “Editor”
So the problem is solved
We need an undo and remove feature for clients. Everything about Webflow’s editor feature is great except this pretty big hole.
Totally agree.
@cyberdave and Webflow Staff:
Try explaining to your editors that anything they do, even if accidentally, they WILL have to publish and then go back and see what it was and put it back to how it was before OR they have to publish and then let me restore the site to a previous state (which sounds horrifying to an Editor). If instead we had a “discard changes” like you do when you edit a collection item and just go back, then it would be the opposite and I could tell the editors: “Play around however much you like and try something out and if you don’t like it, just discard your changes and start again.”
The message is just so much different and their sentiment would change from “You have to be super careful in Webflow” to “I can play around and not break anything as I can undo my changes before they ever went live”.
It’s for very good reason that being able to undo your actions is actually number 3 in the much-cited 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interaction by Jakob Nielsen from 1994, that still hold up today. In that sense, the Webflow Editor fails in User Interaction spectacularly.
Interesting problem… I hadn’t see something similar before
You realize this is insane, right?
Seriously , there needs to be a “cancel all edits” button. If my clients are editing a page in Drupal and realize they made a mistake, they can always just hit the cancel button and it exits without saving their changes.
The editor is almost unusable without this. I can’t tell my clients that if they make a mistake while editing they have to publish it then figure out how to go back in and fix it.