Can't delete websites

Can anyone please tell me why the option to delete any of my websites is non-existent?

Thank you!


Looks to me that the option to delete a project, which used to be under project settings, is no longer an option and if it is I was unable to locate it @matthewpmunger

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Yes, it only gives me an “archive” option. It must be something I accidently did?

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As I stated there is no project delete option. This appears to be since a recent update. Not something you did. Open a ticket with support. Someone should have followed a checklist!

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I apologize i miss-read! Thanks for replying :slight_smile:

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The Delete action for sites has been recently renamed to Archive.

Unchanged, for now, is the need to open a support ticket to restore an archived site or request permanent deletion of a site.


Nobody user tested this to discover how confusing it would be? When users want to delete a site they’re looking for “Delete”. I can’t believe I had to look this up :unamused:


That’s just laughable that something as important as a “delete” link has been removed and replaced with something totally different like an “archive” option.

And who asked for this? pretty sure no end-user did


hahaha… well that was an annoying 10 minutes


Bit odd to remove ‘delete’. I appreciate the archive function though.


@matthewpmunger To clarify, must I submit a support ticket every time I want to clean up my dashboard and remove an unused project? I was going to clean up my dashboard and clear out all my try-outs and test sites. This seems to place even more load on an already slow support ticket crew.


As stated in previous threads, Webflow is useless. Does anyone have a better alternative?

It’s still in alpha, but I’m following the development of Webstudio with interest.


@matthewpmunger could this please be put back to as it was? Because now, as we can’t delete projects, we also have to change the staging link. Archived projects reserve the staging link.

This is incredibly frustrating - there is SUCH a long list of things users have ACTUALLY asked for, yet, these types of updates are the ones being made. Why!? :smiling_face_with_tear:


What’s the reason that it is no longer “DELETE”? :upside_down_face:

Is it because data cannot or will not be removed?

What if I or the client want to remove data forever and make sure it is also removed from Webflow?

And, yes, it’s extremely frustrating that ‘The domain will remain reserved’… It’s quite possible that I, my colleague, or our clients forgot to rename the domain, leading to the domain being unable to be reused.

This wasn’t an issue previously. Why has it changed?!


Realy Frustrating, back to my code environment after the last website in webflow

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Hello, was the ticket raised? The delete function is still missing.
As a new user, I would appreciate that :slight_smile:

@Eycul - You can archive from project settings. If you want to delete then open a ticket with support directly.

Please add the delete button back @webflow.


add the option to fully delete a website from all known locations in the universe upon request. why in the heavens would you clutter your data centers with sites that users created and then deleted? That seems an extremely illogical choice, unless there is another business reason you have for eternally storing websites that users have chosen to delete.