Webflow has become annoying to use

From a terrible new UI update, to removing the ability to simply delete a project, to making it terribly annoying to do whatsoever. This is just a terrible experience for the past 2 years.
The team doesn’t even bother to give access to archived projects (all you need to do is add it to the menu)
Did some rival company bought out webflow just to ruin it?
Do you enjoy making people suffer?

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They’re not always immediately obvious, but there are identifiable reasons behind most of the changes Webflow makes.

Regarding the UI changes- there’s a constant battle to fit more functionality on the screen, thus the little purple buttons and the style panel redesign.

Regarding archive- people have deleted entire projects, so making it possible to contact support and have it restored is a nice add. However it’s a rare issue, and probably not worth investing more money when it would just make it easy to abuse Webflow’s workspace plans ( “look, I have 100 unhosted sites, just 10 at a time are accessible…” )

according to this, I have this week cleaning many test projects and it took me a while that there is not “delete” option (that will destroy everything) but only “archive” :roll_eyes: I do not want to archive what I have done I need to destroy :boom: project.

Not mention that folders with no project stays on screen? Why? No option delete these empty folders, they only sits there and taking space. You can imagine how much time took me to open project delete everything inside to clean up and “ARCHIVE” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

IMO opening a dialog on “delete” click to confirm following step will be a better option than “archive” and do extra filling confirmation project name. Why it is not as on GitHub. Warning danger zone, delete, confirm, done.

Even skipping filling up project name and replace it by simple confirmation “You are about to delete your project forever. do you want proceed?” will be enough.

If someone will cry that deleted project by mistake, it is only his/her problem. :man_shrugging:

This will also save resources for WF support for solving such “mistake” cases.

I think the scenario that created real issues was that company A invites contractor B, has some kind of disagreement, B deletes all of A’s projects. Disaster.

Most SaaS pretty much keep data forever anyway, so it was easier for Webflow to just formally announce “you can can recover projects by contacting support.”

Yeah it’s a quick-and-dirty solution, yeah I’d like more control also.

I have hundreds of projects that need deleted, need drag-and-drop folder organization, folders to the side, list view, multi-project select for drag-drop, record, and even delete.

My plan is just to wait for the API to add Update Site ( incl folder move ) and Delete Site, and then build an app :laughing:

Yeh I get this but it is all about permissions, isn it? Workspace architecture should take care about what contractor can or can’t do and restriction to delete whole project can be set in authorisation security level.

Not many but yes financial industry, governments etc. yes there is some legal requirements how long data should be stored, no doubt.

WF use 30 days Soft Deletion for example for Accounts and after are data deleted permanently.

But still deletion should be easier with clear red warnings flags as mentioned and if there is “Soft deletion” let user know about recovery time in email. For now it doesn’t say anything about recovery limitation, so I presume they keep deleted projects, logs and backups for some reasons. :thinking: but not surprise when I read what personal data are collected about user.

User Rights (GDPR, CCPA):
In regions with regulations like GDPR (Europe) or CCPA (California), users have the right to request data deletion, and companies are obligated to comply. These regulations often require SaaS providers to ensure that data is fully erased from all systems, including backups, within a reasonable timeframe.

You can find PRIVACY RESOURCES on WF about private informations but I can’t find where are data handling policy. They should be somewhere.

I can’t also find documentation or transparency reports explaining their data deletion processes, including how long projects data are retained and when/if they are permanently deleted including backups and logs.

Anyway, many SaaS providers will eventually delete user data after a deletion request, while provides clear data retention policies.

Whoo, it was longer than I expected. :rofl: All Im saying is that deleting process can be improved for better UX.


Oh man, I could record a 1h video rant on how bad of a product Webflow is… Every time I use it, I am blown away by how insanely annoying and illogical everything is, and yet over so many years there is no real alternative to it.

Let me break down my points:

I use Webflow to make “Non e-com” websites for our brands such as a company website or a blog.
I use it because updates can be made by myself or someone on our team; we don’t need to manage a server, and content can be updated on the fly.

While Webflow does offer these features, it manages to offer the absolute worst UX for each one and despite years of usage I litteraly struggle to do the most basic things every single time.

As an engineer working with the latest frameworks and technologies on a daily basis I’ve always assumed that Webflow was founded by a non technical founder that manged to get a bunch of funding and never got around the fundamentals of software development. I say this because everything is implemented without any attention to the context of the product as a whole. It’s as if every feature was implemented by a contract dev that just joined the team and has been told something like “Our users need to be able to add new data items to collections”. Then proceeds with implementation without asking any questions on how this relates to the core architecture. The idea for the product is great, but because of the lack of technical attention, they’ve basically created a CSS dashboard with a bunch of annoying buttons in places you’d not expect them to be. There is no “Framework” behind the product that orchestrates how different parts work together; there is no concept of thinking that the web flow editor could act as an API first instead of the never-ending dashboard where a new feature needs a new button.

Since the creation of CSS, developers have been trying to get away from the original single-element editing process through libraries’ reusable components, and yet Webflow has addressed this by creating a button for every single css property, resulting in “Webflow devs” not only having to know CSS but also to have to learn the frustrating and buggy Webflow UI on top. What makes it even more illogical is that real devs barely work with CSS anymore, I mean, we’ve been using libs like Bootstrap, now Tailwind, Tailwind with Shadcn for years…

Like, nothing makes sense to me: Buying template results in hours of trying to figure out what kind of stupid classes the original devs created, deleting a bunch of content, deleting “collection items”> structuring colleciton schemas and sepending hours disconnecting every single elements on all pages in order to do so, etc etc… This lack of logics can be seen in every single paid template as well: Some devs publish templates disregarding css rules completed. For example, they’ll create a bunch of divs, where each acts as a single padding element. Who tf does this?

If it were up to, I’d start by hiring a technical infrastructure dev and rethink the entire Webflow experience and product to come up with Webflow 2.0, starting with:

  1. Get rid of the freaking CSS-only editor; instead, create a “template” stylesheet with base styles like the site’s primary-color, secondary-color, etc. Devs should then customize this style sheet but remain consistent

  2. Rethink how you implement components and make them a priority over CSS styling first. For ex, the website I’m currently working on didn’tdidn’g have an image slider component, so I used the “base slider element” provided by Webflow, which is just a a slider lib component with a div for each slide. The image I added in slide 1 completely overflowed the slide despite the no overflow css attribute, so I now didn’t only have to figure out what each element in this slider was, but also go and figure out how to approach the CSS to display this correctly, and then also create a component out of it. Like wtf are they prioritizing? Wouldn’t it be obvious to offer a “premad” image slider component that’s ready to use in any website? It takes me 4X less time doing this with vanilly html, js and css than using webflow.

  3. Re think the entire collection structure and editor experience. It’s horrible working with data in webflow. Updating a single item results in 50 unecessary clicks, you then need to Save >Save publish > Save again, no bulk editing, you can’t even filter for items that have an empty title for example…

  4. I’ll leave it at this, I could go write a book on it though. I’ll give them props for having excellent marketing and PR thought. These tutorial videos series they’ve made is absolutely incredible

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Hey @Max_Pauwels the long and short of it is that Webflow’s greatest strength is that it’s “the Photoshop of the web”. It’s religiously un-opinionated about how you choose to style your sites, name your classes, or structure your pages.

You want every page on your site to look entirely different? No problem.

But that freedom comes with a lot of tradeoffs…

  • No consistency in naming
  • No consistency in template design
  • Massive workload in re-templating a site
  • Very steep learning curve for those who are unfamiliar with how HTML and CSS actually work at the browser level

The problem is that if Webflow did choose to push a ton of that capability and responsibility into the templates, it becomes Wordpress and suffers from template lock-in. Or it becomes Wix or Shopify- over-simplified designs that are a pain-in-the-butt to change.

As always, it’s a case of “choose the right tool for the job.” When customers want fast, cheap builds, with basic functionality and the ability to change things themselves, I go with Wix or Squarespace.

If they have deep e-Com dependencies and need a huge amount of versatility with direct support for logistics warehouses, I go Shopify.

I tend to avoid WP, because I’ve had to rescue too many clients from hacked / failed builds and it takes months to clean up spam, but in the right setup for the right client, WP fits sometimes too.

I love Webflow exactly because of the flexibility it gives. If a client wants this thing changed to work that way… boom, done. I didn’t have to redesign and redeploy any templates, or sacrifice one pixel of what they wanted.

I do wish templates were rethought though… freedom is good but I see so much struggle when a new user buys a template and the designer was a bit “over creative” Typically they’re just not documented or supported, and of course changing templates is a complete rebuild.

Tbh I haven’t figured out where that ideal middle ground is though… a distinction between designer, framework engineer, and branding expert roles? Variables, components, and apps are big steps in the right direction- it’s hard to envision where the platform will be in 2-3 years but I’m looking foward to see what the possibilities might be.

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Hi @memetican ,

I have to disagree with you on this.

More flexibility and versatility do not mean you have to disregard efficient architecture or implement everything through some new UI button.
You can actually offer much more flexibility by completely separating custom CSS from the core “Designer,” which allows for a product that has the potential of becoming “Extensible” and would allow for much faster and more efficient web development.

Let me give an example:

Right now, Webflow’s approach to “Design” is creating a button for every CSS property, but why?

Developers have consistently been moving away from writing vanilla CSS, and with good reason… Developing becomes far more effective and dynamic when you think of your code through a “Framework” with reusable patterns.

In order to design on Webflow, you need to know vanilla CSS, but you will also have to spend hours looking up tutorials to see how exactly you can alter that CSS property in the Webflow UI.

Modern CSS frameworks (Bootstrap, Tailwind, etc.) have been crafting these “Core” design frameworks at the root of their systems for years. 99% of websites and apps use identical stylesheets, where only a fraction of the variables change to actually style the UI.
Designing with Webflow today is like creating a website in an IDE with pure HTML, JS (Limited), and CSS but having to do it through a frustrating, buggy UI… What kind of developers still does this in 2025? (I won’t mention that we now have AI in our IDEs, which makes them much faster to use.)

Webflow could keep its “Customization” but avoid all the frustrating stuff by first laying its core design elements on a “Framework.”

Everyone uses color classes like primary, secondary, etc., which can be extended to text, backgrounds, and borders. So why not focus on making these consistent rather than having each dev name their own classes? Just imagine how much easier it would be to work with templates or take over someone’s web flow project.
If devs need to “Further” customize the CSS, allow them to do it in a Mini IDE, but stop putting nonsensical buttons and drop-down everywhere…

Additionally, how have components not become a core focus for creating Webflow projects? They have been with every framework and library for years. Webflow could implement a component editor (Pure code that devs can extend as much as they’d like) to allow devs to create “Unstyled” and “Unopiniated” components using their “Base” styles. Once imported, the components just take the project’s styles.

I mean, right now, I need to write every single component for a project from scratch using the Webflow editor. No dev writing code for a modern app does that, lol. And sure, I am out here still using Webflow, and you’re right about those other products, they’re all as bad or worse…

The only exception to this is Shopify; they’re pretty much the only company that understands the importance of building a framework around web dev through a “Block style architecture.” Note that Shopify themes can still be fully customized with raw code as well, it’s just that the people that actually “Update” the websites don’t need to dig into the code editor…

The only reason I use Webflow is that it allows me or someone with no code experience to make updates to the website without having to manage a server. While it does this, every single other aspect of “Managing” a website is absurdly bad.

They could do it differently, but it’d have to be an entirely new version, as I genuinely don’t see how the current product can get itself out of this mess.

One of my core beliefs for successful app development is to always think of a product as an API first. This way, you have a framework at the core and can extend the product to allow for new features. Webflow is the exact opposite. Everything lays on top of an outdated UI, and every new feature requires a new button to be added somewhere.

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Hi @Scarletioshub , I am not frustrated by “Recent changes” or updates, it has been like this for years. I am frustrated because I use Webflow out of necessity for work, but also work in technology and run into consistent nonsensical roadblocks and issues when using the product when it could be completely different. Every time I work on a Webflow projects, it’s a non stop flow of issues that could 100% be avoided. It actually amazes me how little alternatives there are, and I truly believe that this is why Webflow has been so “successfull” for years without having to really address innovation in new technologies.

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I struggle to imagine how Photoshop & Illustrator would enable artists if they imposed any form of design system into the mix. For me Webflow is the same way- when I want a design system, I build it by implementing it through components, CSS, and frameworks.

Every agency I know does the same, and Webflow already support some fundamental mechanics there through shareable component libraries ( which supports variables, too ) and solutions like page builder- which keeps clients away from class naming decisions. What you’re asking for is being built piece by piece- it’s just not forced on designers.

I think that’s the right approach for a community that prioritizes creative freedom.

Here’s why I think that’s essential- have a look at the public design systems- You have Finsweet’s Client First v1 and v2. BEM, MAST, Lumos, Wizardry… and that’s just a sample. There are solutions that let you utilize tailwind-oriented design mechanics. If there were one right way, no one would be creating new frameworks, but everyone has a different need… component focus, variable focus, animation-centric, scalability, portability, programming framework integration, Figma → Webflow streamlining.

I think it would be great if Webflow enabled the use of a framework in the same way you can plug in an app. Want client first? Ok, here’s how page structures default, and here are some designer-enforced naming conventions.

But what happens if you ever wanted to change it?
I can see why Webflow chooses to remain un-opinionated here.

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Hi @memetican , I guess the topic of core architecture is debatable, as an engineer I have a hard time justifying their technical descisions, but note that I mentionned this as part of what I would consider to be a “solution”, however the glitchy, inconsistent and buggy UI is absurdly bad and incredibly frustrating to use in its current state.

Let me share some examples:

  • Working with files

The entire file management system is so clunky and illogical. Each time you try to update an image somewhere, it makes you open a small modal > open the sidebar >You choose an image, and the sidebar automatically closes. Sure, it’s a small detail, but when I manage content, I’d like the content selection to be visible at all times. These behaviors are everywhere in Webflow; you must go through these endless click cycles to get the essential things to work; half of the time, they don’t work, or you crash the website, etc. It just shows how little they’re invested in app design and user experience. Another bug present atm: you can’t import files that have file names with spaces. Not a big issue, but you’ll spend hours trying to figure this out if you’re not technical since Webflow does not throw any errors. (Do they do have automated testing in place in general? )

  • Working with data

Webflow’s implementation of data management is by far the worst I have ever seen. It’s pretty much impossible to manage collection data in bulk: You can’t filter by any of the data properties, you can’t bulk update without having to export and re-import, and data “Types” are not standard types. Webflow created its own undisclosed types, which make it pretty much impossible to use the CMS with other tools.

The other day, I had to import a bunch of blog posts from a CSV. For example, the “image” column contained all image types, but Webflow does not recognize them as such, leaving me to have to manually import every single image.

Compare these to Notion or Coda content management flows, which use global types and feature instant conversion.

Working with “Collections”:

Have you ever had to edit an existing collection? The process is completely absurd. If I want to remove one collection field, for example, I need to “Disconnect” every single instance of it being used. Half the time, there is no direct “Unlink” option, so you need to manually go to each instance and update it. Again, this might sound minor on a single event, but the amount of hours you lose is insane.

Their “Automation” flows .

I remember using this on one website in the past, but I don’t see it in the editor anymore. I am unsure if they’ve moved it to another location or removed it altogether. Anyway, I guess this one doesn’t require much explanation because it simply did not work. Automation flows would not run because of nonstop errors; you’d then try to fix them and run into errors that disable the entire flow. I remember going through all these errors, which where all a result of their bad technical decisions.

Working with rich text

This was such a frustrating experience for me and I’d love to have a conversation with the devs that implemented rich text editing in Webflow as it’s also one of the worst approaches I’ve seen in my career.

Let me explain:

Editing rich text has been a core element of modern web development for a while because users and devs shouldn’t have to format and style every single piece of text to display headings, texts, quotes, etc.

Countless libraries have been released to allow instant conversion of a “visual” content style to htlm. wysiwyg editors where very popular and markdown based tools like MDX, Remark, Hypermark have been the preferred standard over more recent years.

You’d think that Webflow would have something like this implemented for Rich text. So that when you paste formatted text or markdown in their “Rich text” element, it keeps the styling? But no: Instead they implemented soem absurdly bad feature that immediately converts rich text to html right in the editor, loosing about 50% of the proper formatting along the way and leaving you with hundreds of seperated span, p and heading elements.

I made a recording showing this yesterday where I showed how I copied a “Privacy policy” from a Notion doc to webflow, and Webflow reformatted the entire thing in hundrds of different elements.

@Max_Pauwels 100%. There are so many fixes the platform needs.

I think this is why the WF team pulled back from user accounts and logic, and began the Tiny but Mighty updates, to refocus on a lot of these smaller issues.

For example, recently they added a replace asset feature. And if you look at the quick search or the pages bar, you can locate pages by slug- not only by title. The CMS pop-up dialog has changed my world, as well as the little eyeball that lets you navigate from a CMS item in the CMS panel directly to that page in the designer.

These are significant workflow improvements.

But yes I’m an engineer as well, and some of the platform limitations are cringy… right now my top ones are the “little gaps”… the inconsistencies like…

  • Localization doesn’t work with ECom
  • Custom attributes cannot be bound to ECom fields
  • No sorting or filtering in nested lists
  • Component properties cannot be emitted into Embed content
  • Pseudoselector styling which drives me nuts…

It’s all of the platform pieces that are 98% close… but they don’t always fit together to get you to 100% of the feature build you need. I end up engineering a lot of frameworks to work around these limitations.

Or paths. Page design is founded on the value of complete freedom in design, at a pixel level, with no governance or safeties. Webflow is super un-opinionated about styling.

But at the same time, it’s deeply restrictive about site structure and path naming when it comes to CMS & ECom pages, which make some builds impossible on Webflow. I’ve had several WP->WF site migration proposals rejected due to client’s discomfort with Webflow’s restrictions there. No one wants to change every blog article URL when those pages are 90% of their SEO strength.

I’ll share this though- I have the good fortune to know a few of the WF engineering team through the partner program, and I’m super impressed with their devotion to building a better platform. These engineers seriously know their stuff, and their build-release cycles are nuts.

In 2023 I was strongly considering shifting to other platforms for larger more complex projects, but after seeing their strategic direction shift, I’ve found myself double-down on WF as my agency’s core platform.

I particularly like the developments towards apps, and the API improvements that have come with that. Apple couldn’t scale and didn’t succeed until it began opening the platform to developers and allow broader extension. I think Webflow’s realized the same thing- a closed box can’t scale.

I just hope the attention to core platform improvement continues, because IMO “do one thing and do it better than anyone else” is still the strongest play. It seems to be what has kept photoshop stably at the top of its own industry for so long.

Hi @memetican , here is a recording I just made showing yet another frustrating issue I’m running into. I have like 10 other such recordings that I ended up making to simply get rid of my need to rant on the how illogical the product seems https://www.loom.com/share/c2531308fff545ee93829ddfbd006612 (Skip to 4min for the issue)

Excuse the raspy voice, it’s a bit late and I’ve had a couple of drinks.

And here is a recording on the rich text issue wrote about earlier: Webflow - Finitra 🔊 - 2 February 2025 | Loom

Recordings are good- if you actually need some help figuring it out, I’d start a post on that issue and share your readonly and published site links. Should be super easy to find with those.

I did watch most your first video and wanted to add this- Webflow is a double-edged sword. When you deeply understand how to wield it, it slices through HTML page designs like a hot knife through butter.

Before Webflow, I had a custom-built platform that was insanely powerful in its CMS, server-side programming, and hosting capabilities - but it was extremely code-centric. No designer, no wysiwyg editor.

Webflow was game-changing in the same way that AI is changing how programmers program. Same end code- far shorter path to get there, and you can see the results in realtime. It flipped the design paradigm so that the HTML and CSS concerns were almost secondary.


The thing is Webflow intentionally trusts designers to know what they’re building and to understand the mechanics of CSS and HTML. It won’t stop you from columnizing a grid, or mixing float, flex, and absolute positioning all on the same element. In Webflow’s view, you probably know what you’re doing and you actually want it that way.

If you don’t understand that foundation and how browsers “think,” it’s very easy to go off the rails. When I’m tutoring people in Webflow, I always include basic HTML and CSS primers too- even in the early stages it’s essential for debugging an understanding what you can build.

It’s well worth investing some time there, esp in CSS. It will make a ton more sense why the style panel is organized the way it is, too.

Hi @memetican , here is my response: Webflow has become annoying to use - Community resources / General - Forum | Webflow - 4 February 2025 | Loom

For the “publish now, don’t make me understand layouts & css” feature set you’re asking for, I really think Squarespace or Wix would be a far easier choice.

Again it’s the right tool for the job problem. I wouldn’t drive my Ducatti to pick up groceries. The storage space is wrong, dings are too risky, city streets are no fun. It’s just the wrong tool there.

Webflow’s central mission is to let you design amazing sites, which means access to pretty much anything they can expose in CSS and HTML layout design, with unfettered access. That’s not what you want here.

I know you want Webflow to be easy, and it is- once you understand how HTML and CSS work, and how browser layout engines function. But you’re going about this the wrong way- Webflow won’t make sense until you understand what it’s generating.

If you want to learn Webflow, start with Webflow university, do the exercises, get a primer in HTML and CSS. Do some copywork where you’re recreating existing designs to understand them better.

It’s a process, just like learning engineering.

I am working on 10 client projects, so I had to skip through the first 8 mins of your video talking about the parts you’re not understanding, or that you wish were built differently - but I really can’t add anything further. I recommend you switch to Wix or Squarespace for a few months and then you’ll understand why design limits are so painful, and why Webflow is designed to free you from them as much as it can.

By the way, this is the community forum. Webflow’s team leads & engineers don’t see your thoughts and comments and feature requests, which is what the Webflow wishlist is for. When you find something you’d like to change, that’s the best place to communicate it to Webflow.

I got to 9:48 where I found some actual questions that I could potentially help you with - you have a collection list, and you’re trying to paginate it- but it doesn’t relate the the video tutorial you’re looking at which is inside of a slider, so I’m not certain of your goal.

I can’t see or check anything without the designer readonly link, so as I suggested if you’d like some guidance, create a post and share those things so the community can help.

Stressing about the learning process really won’t help you solve your design challenges any faster.

Some other quick notes from this part of your video-

  • The side panel can be pinned so that it does not overlap the canvas. This is the best way to use it when you have a decent-sized monitor that has the room for it.
  • The gear icon isn’t really useful, just go to the settings panel so you can access everything
  • Depending on what you’re trying to build as a CMS-powered slider, I’d recommend you look at Finsweet’s CMS slider library instead. It avoids the collection-list-per-slide problem.
  • I still couldn’t find any mention of you rich text problem

The whole community here works, so when you post, be as specific and concise as you can about where your problem is and what you’re trying to do- generally the community is full of a lot of smart and experienced Webflow designers and you’ll generally get some great support if you make it easy for others to help you.

Such a long read :sweat_smile:

Simply put, you won’t find anything better than Webflow.

Other alternatives, like Framer and Wix Editor, just don’t match when talking about ease of use, flexibility, and professionalism.

I started my web journey with Dreamweaver, then moved to WordPress and some other CMS, and now mainly Webflow. I can confidently say Webflow’s the best.

Webflow does not invent many words that are different from standard CSS and html. So, with a little bit of HTML and CSS knowledge, you will find Webflow like home.

I do get frustrated with certain aspects of Webflow sometimes though, like workspace, pricing, weak ecommerce, etc, but not Webflow Designer.

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Hi @memetican

You don’t understand what I am trying to say. I’ve been working with HTML, CSS, web dev, and a range of other technologies for over 15 years.

I’ve worked on multiple core apps, libraries, and frameworks, many of which include parts covered by Webflow.

The issue that I have with Webflow is that on one side, it offers a “Website editor” meant to be be a UI representation of what developers do in an IDE (Correct me if I am wrong). However, no developer has been making websites like this for at least 10 years.

My main point here is that using Webflow for its intended purpose is an incredible struggle when it shouldn’t be.

And all the issues could be solved if they would approach their framework and UX by rethinking the core architecture.

Let me give you a small example I am running into right now:

I tried creating an image slideshow, where each slide comes from a CMS collection item. I managed to do this, but then spent 15 minutes looking for an “Auto slide” option, which does not exist.

On the other hand, the “Slide” element “component” does have an auto slide feature, but it can’t use CMS data.

This situation is a result of bad technical architecture.


They should start by first propertly defining data collections and their structure, similar to how we manage data in code: You have your arrays, your objects, your array of objects, and each object item has a defined data type.

Once this is correctly defined, every feature that depends on data would be implemented in a “based on” structure, and it would result in a water fall effect for all upcoming features.

The current implementation was most likely built on the idea that " a user should be able to add a slider and add custom elements inside." A few months or years later, they probably added the CMS feature. Instead of rethinking how client-side pagination relates to looping over dynamic data, they just went a separate route by adding an entirely new slide feature.

You now have 2 parts of the framework that are meant to be doing something similar but aren’t, and all upcoming features will now have to be double-tested to ensure compatibility with these 2 solutions.

In the meantime, CMS global data structures and how they could be properly implemented at the core have not been addressed.

This is a small example, but I see this kind of decision-making everywhere in Webflow, and it results in constant dev crashes, inconsistent layout, hours spent trying to find buttons and dropdowns, a whole lot of confussion, and a buggy UI.

I do not consider myself a Webflow dev—far from it—but I do have quite a bit of experience in developing the classic way. Having worked on a bunch of apps and tools that cover a large amount of stuff present in Webflow, all I can say is that it seriously lacks logical infrastructure, which results in the product being severely counterproductive based on what it is meant to do.

Hi @anthonychan2509, right, but maybe that’s the first issue: Modern web and software development does not exactly involve vanilla HTML and CSS anymore. Developers have long switched to more dynamic frameworks, which include many utility-first concepts.

They could make it a much more enjoyable product by rethinking their core infrastructure rather than trying to rewrite a never-ending UI meant to control CSS properties, which modern devs barely even write anymore.