Building a course for paying members

Hello, I’m building a funnel on Webflow to sell a course. But I’m unsure of how to go about giving customers access to the course.

I’ve read a bit online and people recommend integrating Memberstack with Webflow to build courses. The problem is that most guides and posts are from 1-2 years ago. So they might be outdated.

What kind of setup would you recommend? Maybe it would be possible to just have my funnel with Webflow but host the course on a website that specializes in courses? But then how do the credentials for each user generate and sync between Webflow and that other platform? Also, I’m unsure what Site Plan I should buy.

If it matters, I know a bit of coding. Not much, but I can handle some basic tasks.

Thank you.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

That’s not much detail to make a recommendation with actually.
But let’s start with the course itself.

If the course;

  • is pretty straightforward content, test images, videos
  • has a relatively simple course-lesson structure
  • does NOT require much in the way of user-specific features like course-completion tracking and lesson-progress tracking

Then you can build the course in Webflow pretty easily without much custom code work.
If that’s not the case, or if you want multiple promotional channels, a platform like Udemy might work better for the course delivery & payment.

If you do build it on Webflow, Memberstack adds some nice capabilities like single sign-on with Google accounts, but it adds cost and you’ll likely use Webflow ECommerce anyway to collect payments if the course is in-Webflow.

I’d probably try using Memberships for the cost-efficiency and see if it meets your needs. If it’s just course access yes/no, it will work pretty well.

If you want to show each user a console with details like what courses they’ve completed, what courses you recommend next, which courses are in-progress, scores, etc… then I’d lean towards Memberstack or make the jump to Wized for better UI options.

You’re not going to be able to build much of an online course with Webflow Memberships. Its power comes from gating content but stops short of being able to add more of the features that a course needs.

Webflow + Memberstack is a good choice that will take you beyond where Webflow Memberships stop. Regardless if guides and posts are 1-2 years old, the concepts still remain. It’s just a matter of researching how to implement those concepts from v1 to v2.

They cannot with Webflow. But they can with Memberstack.

Here’s an example of a course site built with Webflow + Memberstack:

Enroll with a fake email to see some of the functionality you can build.

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You’re right. Here’s the entire funnel I want to build:

VSL lander for main online course → Checkout page for main course → Upsell 1 - Premium course (One click payment) → Upsell 2 - Premium course 2 (one click payment too)

The courses are 20-30 videos, separated into modules.

No need for course-completion tracking, it would be nice for sure, but not essential.

Thank you for your guide, I’ll try it and see how it works.

What are the features that Webflow Memberships doesn’t have that a course needs?

That depends upon what your needs are for the course, but it looks like you’ve outlined that:

Your upsells are going to be challenging with Webflow. That all has to do with the Webflow Ecommerce platform. A couple of options are different products or variants on the same product. You’ll need to distinguish between one-time payments or subscriptions (and how they specifically integrate with Webflow Memberships) to fully understand those challenges.

You’ll also need to consider the sign up flow. More details here:

It’s a bit of a heavy-lift in Webflow since it’s not something they natively support, but it’s doable with either custom code, 3rd parties, or both.

Good luck!