Webflow suitable for digital course business model?

I have a very general question, as I‘m currently evaluating, if Webflow could be a suitable tool for my project.
Is it generally possible to create the business functionality for a web page which works somehow similar as Coursera.org. This means, I want to sell online courses. Customers should be able to a) subscribe and get access to member products (free course material) and b) buy extra courses in a one-time-payment-process and get access to the respective course material. The courses can be on-demand, meaning the course material should be accessible immediately after purchase, or in a conferencing mode, meaning these courses should have a start- and end-date and course material should be accessible at a certain time.

I would be super glad if I could get some help, if especially use-case b) is possible in Webflow…

Hi @JanL :wave: welcome to the forum.

It is possible with Webflow, but everything you listed will be challenging to do (or simply not possible) with Webflow alone. Better to use some 3rd party add-ons.

Here’s a simple course site I created with Webflow + Memberstack. Click “enroll now”, use a fake email and see how it functions.

Here’s the tutorial walking through how to build it.

Webflow Memberships (their native user management) can do this.

You’ll have troubles with Webflow Memberships, but not so much with Memberstack.

The difficulty with native Webflow is the “one-time-payment-process” aspect. You can use Webflow Memberships in combination with Webflow Ecommerce, and they do allow for one-time payments of individual products, but I’m not super clear how integrated that is with Memberships. Something for you to explore a bit.

Hope that helps!

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Hi @JanL.
Josh with Foxy here. What you’re after is possible with our seamless Webflow integration: https://foxy.io/webflow and without the need for any other 3rd party services.

  • Manage courses with Webflow CMS
  • Embed a customer portal to allow customers to view order history, access purchased content, update billing, and more (all inside of your Webflow site)
  • Offer memberships where members get all-access to courses
  • Connect to 100+ gateways and payment methods
  • Multi-lingual support
  • Multi-currency support
  • Powerful coupon and discount functionality
  • and more!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need help getting started: hello@foxy.io


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Hi Chris,
Your example is super helpful, thanks! I‘m currently wondering how to best get to the point of your example, where the user is taking the course and marking as complete/incomplete. The thing is that I have more than 100 courses, in 3 categories (on-demand, webinar, seminar) with each a certain price. Currently, I have made a product page out of a CMS collection list in Webflow. I see two options: 1.) Using Memberstack to gate each course and redirect to a new page which contains the course material. This would mean managing a lot of different URLs in ‘Gated Content’ in Memberstack and doesn‘t seem to be a good solution (plus I might need to duplicate the CMS course page in webflow to show the new ‚course material‘ page after the user clicked on ‚purchase‘ on the ‚course overview‘ page. 2) I use Webflow ecommerce to make each course available through one time payment which might be the easiest solution (although I‘d have the same problem with the new ‚course material‘ page, which I need to integrate somehow). I‘d hence only use Memberstack for some minor features such as the member Metadata.
Do you have any suggestions?

Gosh, that’s a lot. Honestly with all of that I’d consider using Webflow for the marketing pages / landing pages and then using something like Podia for the courseware. You could put the course(s) on a subdomain to make it all flow nicely.