I want to change the name above the URL in the google search result
I would like to switch “Art Gstaad” for “Maze Presents”. Is it possible?
(I’ve noticed that bing or qwant correctly display “Maze Presents”.)
Thank you for your help!
I want to change the name above the URL in the google search result
(I’ve noticed that bing or qwant correctly display “Maze Presents”.)
Thank you for your help!
Google generally uses the content of the TITLE tag. However it often uses results based on AI. Read the Google recommendation here →
Have a read through Google’s site name page also-
Thank you very much!
I’ve added to my body tag home page:
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context" : "https://schema.org",
"@type" : "WebSite",
"name" : "Maze Presents",
"alternateName" : "MP",
"url" : "https://www.mazepresents.com/"