Webflow University is not hierarchically organized so much so I could not track the beginning to end. I do not know where to begin. Lessons are grouped yeah but I do not know which grouping should go first before the others in terms of lesson prerequisites.
There is an outline on the left, yeah but there are tons of videos that are scattered outside that official outlined table of contents that should be included as a prerequisite.
Hey @Edgar_Wilson_Roial,
The Webflow University is not listed chronologically or hierarchically, because they’re based on “Topic”. In essence, or should I say, in general; someone will go to the University with a specific question or need.
If you’re looking for an intro, or beginning dive into the application, the landing page for University has a “Webflow 101 Crash Course” below the header. I would recommend everyone start with this tutorial.
In my opinion, the landing page is for those who have visited the site before.
For new users, I recommend “Lessons” link. Go to that page first.
For users who know what they’re trying to accomplish, it’s best to use “Courses” link.
Lessons: Is more for structure and base understanding
Courses: Is ideal for process and workflow in the real world, how it can actually get done
I hope this offers a little comfort I had the same issue when I first started using the application. Stay with it and hang in there, you’ll be a pro in no time!
See ya - G.J.