Video embed suddenly not working - out of focus cover image, won't play

Getting ready to send out a press release on my new book project, I checked my site one last time this morning and YIPES!

On my site: the two videos on the home page worked great for weeks.
Suddenly they display an out of focus image (both in Designer and on the site, as you can see) and they won’t play.

They are hosted at Vimeo… and, yes, my accounts are all paid up at webflow and vimeo. :slight_smile:

In Designer, I originally used an ‘Embed’ and it worked fine for both videos.
Now they are both broken.

Here’s a screen shot of Designer (which is the unpublished source of

  • The top image of the two people is a Video element in Webflow using Vimeos (seemingly) new embed code (which sets the size of the embedded video in my site, which I don’t like)
  • The second image is the original Embed with the ‘old’ Vimeo code.
  • The third image is a new Embed I just dropped in with the new Vimeo code.

And, here’s the Share link

How might I go about fixing this?

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Hi @chuckw,

Thank you for reaching out about your videos being blurred. I imagine that is not what you were expecting, but I’m here to help!

I noticed the videos started out blurred, but resolved as the page load. You can see a screencapture of my experience at the following URL: Screen Recording 2018-04-25...

I am also able to see the videos clearly within the Designer:

Can you please try the following:

(1) Try to reproduce the error while being logged into Webflow using Incognito mode with browser extensions turned off: Browse in private - Computer - Google Chrome Help

(2) If the problem persists, please take a screenshot of your Console and send it to me: Image 2018-04-10 at 12.28.2...

Could you please let me know what browser version you’re using by sending me your information from this page?

There should be a small share link when you visit the page which you can send to me.

Thanks in advance!

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Chrome is now updated (why it wasn;t updating, I’m not sure)
Same behavior on in firefox, chrome, edge
designer had same behavior in chrome after update
and in incognito mode (with all extensions turned off)

same behavior of website on my phone

Same behavior of website and webflow designer on my laptop and my wife’s laptop

I’m not sure what the ‘console’ is - ??

malwarebytes and windows security found no issues

I loaded it on chrome, safari, brave, and firefox, all on Mac. I can’t get it to load wrong. Loads correctly every time.

Chrome on Android also works as well as Chrome and Safari on iOS.

OK, it’s fixed.

I rebooted my router.

Very strange…

Thanks for your work on my behalf!



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@faheemvelez - Welcome to the forum. It appears the user had network issues preventing progressive downloading of the resource from that location.

Are you experiencing an issue yourself?

Sorry, I never posted the fix!

It was a Chrome extension that prevents autoplay of videos.
It seemingly disabled the browser from getting even the cover image for the video, etc.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Blurry images on our website; what’s the issue?