Users can't submit Webflow form - getting error

Today I’ve noticed that order form submission on website didn’t go through.
The error that I was able to recover (thanks to Logrocket) is

“BadRequestError: Request is malformed: Failed to ingest form due to spam filter”

Concerning is that I haven’t received any notifications about this from Webflow and almost missed the order from a client. It’s a very basic form with just a few fields, no captcha is used.

Is there a way to prevent this other than doing custom form with HTML/JS and bypassing Webflow?

The Webflow form submission handler does not catalog spam into any site-owner-accessible inbox that I’m aware of.

If you’re having problems with this you’ll need to setup your own form submission handler. Basin is exceptional and catalogs spam for you to review. I generally build automations as well to collect forms into e.g. AirTable but then you’re responsible for your own spam handling.