Form submission Spam

Has any one all of a sudden got an influx of form spam? I’ve been using webflow for 3+ years and never had to deal with form spam. Now all of a sudden over the last 2 or so months, I’ve been bombarded with spam submissions. At least 1-2 a day. Not only me, but also a few of my other websites I’be built for clients. What is happening?

I had the same exact experience on my portfolio site.
After adding the ReCapcha to the form and it all stopped!
(ReCapcha is available from the elements panel in Webflow).

Hi guys, it’s an old question but this just started to happen to me. I don’t want to add a re-captcha field to my forms since it may discourage customers from contacting us.
Do you know of any extra security measures that can be added without the re-captcha?



This appears to be a targeted spam email sent through website forms. Please ignore the email, as all information in that email is completely false.

Our security team is actively investigating these incidents. We assure you that your website is safe.

If you don’t want to use Recaptcha, try the honeypot method.

If you believe you or your client received a spam form submission, please forward the email to