There is no language menu in designer mode for me?

HI! I got this problem. I open the Localisation in the setting menu. I added 3 more locales on my site. Now it supposed to pop-up a language menu in the designer panels from what I can see, so that I can switch between the languages? For some reason there is no menu like that.

It’s an element called the Locales List that you need to add.

Ok thanks! But is there a way to just jump this, and just let the site detect in what country you are in? And translate into the language the visitor are in?When I searched the web, they showed a menu that was integrated in designer, you could switch between the languages. I am rly confused over this function.

What’s your readonly designer link?

From the user’s perspective, you can auto-detect and auto-route by language, but not by location. That’s a feature of Localization Pro.

Auto-routing by language; e.g.

  • an English browser visits /, gets the / homepage
  • a French browser visits /, gets redirected to the /fr homepage

Auto-routing by location ( not supported )

  • an English browser visits / from the US, gets the / homepage
  • an English browser visits / from the UK, will still get the / homepage, even if you have a /en-uk homepage & localization designed for that market

Ok thanks! But the menu is a problem for me to go further. Here is my read only link! Webflow - Rockma dev version

I’m not sure where you’re stuck.

Here’s the localization menu that’s integrated into the designer, it lets you switch the locale you’re working on.

And here’s the locales list element in your elements menu.
You start with this and then style it for your site, however you like.

Maybe you’re trying to understand how to build a specific locale switcher styling, like perhaps a dropdown?

Here are Webflow’s instructions for that

This is the thing, this menu that appears in the designer Ui does not show for me! This is what I meant.

This is how it looks for me. Just added the locals list as a test. But there is now meny to switch between the languages in designer mode.

Yep style it how you like. The docs I gave you have some good ideas, depending on what you want to create.

Right at the top center, see “English”? That’s what you click.

Hey hope this doesn’t offend but you seem very lost with some pretty basic Webflow things- if you need help I do mentoring and micro-consulting for custom feature builds.

Give me a shout if you need some help building your site, and wrapping your head around all of these features.

Most people start with Webflow U 101 basics and work upwards from there- Webflow’s docs and tutorials cover all of these fundamentals well if you have the time to absorb them.

Thanks a lot! Well I was lost with localisations, but I built some pages already. Another question I have. I suppose now I have to manually translate the text. If I right click any element in any language the text “translate into Norwegian” is greyed out. Why’s that? I feel this function is a bit un developed comparing to all the other functions in weblfow?

Is there a way to jump the language links on the page for the visitor to manually choose a language, and make the page automatically translate the page depending in what geographical area you are in?

Do you have a site plan and localization plan on your project?
Without that you cannot do machine translation on a 3rd locale.

In general I -love- Webflow’s localization, but the communication around the initial setup and configuration is lacking, so you might have missed that.

Beyond that, I can’t see your screen, and localization controls are limited through a readonly link so I don’t have any idea what you’re clicking.

Are you asking about automatic routing by geography, rather than automatic routing by language?

I’ll just say “it’s complicated”, but yes it’s possible to build that type of capability using a reverse proxy. It’s also possible ( but much less smooth ) with some extensive JS coding and a 3rd party GeoIP service to detect the location.

In your language list though I don’t see any need fir geographic distinctions like en-US en-UK en-AU.

I am on a localization plan “Essential” and with that on Core. Is that enough to do machine translation?

Yes of course.
Note that not all locales support machine translation.

So much thanks. So strange, it does not seems to work with Norwegian. All though its says it supported and I can choose it in the setting. Right clicking on the body element the translation is greyed out. But now for Swedish.

Choose the right one, if I recall correctly, I think it’s Norewegian (Bokmai) as the default no locale.

Yes IMO it’s a failure of the user interface that it’s not at all clear which locales support machine translation.