Set up a 100% Custom ecommerce on Webflow

Hello everyone, I’m looking options to create a 100% custom (homepage, product page, checkout page) ecommerce for a client that sells physical products.

I didn’t found the real answer, but it is possible to build on webflow a 100% custom ecommerce? Maybe with @foxy

If this is possible how can I do it?

Thank you very much.

Honestly I just need to know once the “CHECKOUT” button is hit, what do I have to do because as I see it, webflow doesnt have any solutions, right?

And is this Checkout page customizable?

Thank you!

Thank you Mathieu!

Do you mean this?

I didn’t found the information I was looking for, or I’m not looking at the right place!

Hi @ollo.
Josh from Foxy. The short answer is “yes”. You can customize all Foxy templates to your liking or start from scratch. Some tasks will be easier than others, depending on what you’re wanting to do. I’ll be replying to your email/message shortly with more details.
