We’ve also enhanced YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion video support so you can set custom start times. Plus, all our video and rich media embeds in the rich text editor will respect the aspect ratio of the content.
You and your CMS-using clients will also notice a smoother experience working with rich text embeds.
That’s a great question, I wasn’t able to find any non-cat related videos on the internet during development, but if you manage to find one please let us know if it works!
I believe you need to publish an imgur album for it to be visible to our api.
The rich-text rich media embed functionality uses embed.ly under the hood, but it’s constrained to content that either embed.ly or the service itself supports an iframe widget for.
Unfortunately for now there are some services that use html/script tags instead of iframes for their embeds, while there are plans to add a custom embed code feature to rich text editor at some point in the future you’ll need to use the the Embed element in the Add Element panel until then.
@YoavGivati, is there a way to do this using the CMS system? I am using ispringcloud for doing blog posts of powerpoint presentations. ispringcloud is the only powerpoint service that works with embedded video.
All this is great, but what would be best would be if you could incorporate all current embeds first within the CMS, such as all functionality with images, notably lightboxes, before adding lots of new stuff.