It is not completely ready, version 0.9, but the construction I think is almost done. What’s missing are links to portfolio pages and some contact info.
It took me a lot of time and brain sweat to get to this point. I tried to make it fully responsive with the use of VW / VH and or percentages, and sometimes for convenience the good ol’ pixel; all in all very cumbersome. I hope you like it as it is right now, but don’t spare me if you have criticism.
Questions: I see white 1-pixel lines on 2 sections with photo’s that are background images (contain), don’t know how to get rid of them, it seems like a bug???
I like the site. Although as I scroll the more down the less I like it. Towards the end it just becomes very busy with the background images. Maybe try to get some more simpler images? All together though I really enjoyed the beginning of the site.
My site version 2.2.9 is online! I want to keep trying to make it better, in design but also in build quality (including flex which I partly used here). I’d love to receive some feedback for the next version!
@Waldo and @sabanna:
Maybe you would want to look at my site also. I have some arrows in a circle on the right side of all sections that link to the section below. These do not function very nicely, maybe because the first section is below (z -1) the other sections? At least, that purple section is what I briefly see when I click on these arrows…
Hope you can shed some light here.
Wow! Nice site… You made it much better. I really do like it. There is only one thing I don’t like which is the purple headings. Especially as you scroll further down it makes less sense because the colors don’t match with the pictures. But other than that outstanding site [on iPhone at least].
Site is really cool! Creative design and really interesting menu concept.
Arrows works weel on my desktop. On the phone there is no arrows. But there is still issue with the “x” icon on the “voorbeeldwerk” page. It works only on the 1st section. Other sections is hovering the icon
The arrows are on the homepage only and indeed disabled on mobile. I reckon people would rather scroll there than push a button to scroll one view down. The x button on ‘voorbeeldwerk’ is just for ‘closing’ the page.
What I notice is that the 2nd or 3rd arrow on the homepage ‘shows through’ the section upon click. But apparently not on your machine?
I like the site, but I feel like you can do better with your logo.
I know that isn’t what you asked about, but it is part of the design, and it is (what I feel is) the weakest part of the design.
In English, a “reclaimer” is someone who takes something that would be trash to most other people, and he/she repurposes it and makes it new again. Is that what “reclamer” means in Dutch? I guess I just feel like the logo could invoke that idea much better.
I don’t think what that’s what Tom was wanting to do with the title. I am pretty sure the title is his last name Lamers which is clearly seen. Am I right Tom?
The Dutch word ‘reclame’ stems from the latin ‘reclāmāre’ that led to two meanings in our time. The one is that of ‘reclaime’ and the second is that of propagating, promote or in another word advertise, at least in Dutch and also in German and French. Reclamers is the name of my advertising and design agency, indeed also named after my last name. You’re right Vlad @VLADinSACRAMENTO , you’ve won this contest!
But this doesn’t mean that I think there’s nothing to improve on my site. One month ago I did the first version on this site and now the second, I’m sure it won’t be the last so keep comin’ with your remarks …