Multiple forms - send to different email addresses

Hi there Webflow people,

If you’re reading this and haven’t yet recognized that having multiple forms on a site but NOT being able to direct the form submissions to different email addresses is a serious failing, please consider it and then use this link to add your voting weight to the Wishlist feature request. Different email settings for different forms | Webflow Wishlist

It currently has 335 votes and is in the Backlog, hopefully adding your weight will push it closer to a development position.

(Yes, I know about the Gmail filtering idea and third party approaches, they may be solutions for some but most will want a simple default Webflow solution).



Yes, this would be nice to have, but

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Interesting, though makes you wonder what is the point of the votes then. I am guessing that if all Webflow users voted, and commented, Webflow would notice and take some action in getting it done sooner rather than later.

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Oh, sure. Here’s the top-three voted wishlist items for your reference:

More: Webflow Wishlist

Great, thanks.
Don’t forget to add your vote. +3 would be even better…

I’ve already used all my 15 votes two years ago… when the wishlist was launched.

Hi Webflow people. I’ve heard back from Webflow Support about this issue, they say ‘Please upvote this feature request if you haven’t already – we pay very close attention to this community forum when setting our roadmap.’ - so please, if it helps to get this feature developed quicker, go here and add your vote Different email settings for different forms | Webflow Wishlist

A thought…Just because there are less than 400 votes, doesn’t mean that it won’t get used. I’m sure folks see this a low level feature, but I would imagine if it were on, people would use it…a lot. Add an email in the form settings in the designer and boom. I know their a few “workarounds”, but most are hacky at best. One of the pluses of Webflow is being able to control a lot from one system. My vote is casted, but again don’t let the lack of votes keep this at the bottom.

I already did the math and concluded voting in the wishlist doesn’t really push it to a higher priority

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I agree. Having this will be nice! I will vote :raised_hands:

But for some reason I can’t vote…It says 0 votes left every time. Wondering why?

My point wasn’t about votes — but interest (or seemingly lack thereof). This has been in the backlog and it’s coming up on 2 years now. It’s lack of interest compared to other functionality in the backlog of the Wishlist shouldn’t be a determination for whether it’s added. It’s basic form functionality and something that would be used widely if implemented, even if 400+ votes doesn’t seem very interesting.

I’d like to see the number of days it takes for a function to be added to at least the “Planning” stage from the date it was requested.

Indeed. How this was never a part of the original release of Webflow is a bit baffling to me. Not all, but many of the websites we build require this as a standard feature (and clients don’t expect it to be an issue).

Please help to keep some momentum on this request; Webflow Support did reply to me, ‘Please upvote this feature request if you haven’t already – we pay very close attention to this community forum when setting our roadmap.’

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To send Webflow forms to different email addresses, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Webflow account and go to your project dashboard.

  2. Select the project where your form is located.

  3. Navigate to the page where the form is placed and select the form element.

  4. In the right sidebar, click on the “Settings” tab.

  5. Under the “Form Settings” section, locate the “Form Notification” option and click on it.

  6. By default, Webflow sends form submissions to the primary account email address. To send the form to different email addresses, you’ll need to use custom code.

  7. To implement custom code, click on the “Add Field” button under the “Custom Attributes” section.

  8. In the field name, enter data-netlify-to.

  9. In the field value, enter the email address where you want to receive form submissions. For example, if you want to send the form submissions to, enter that email address.

  10. If you need to send the form to multiple email addresses, you can repeat steps 7-9 to add additional custom attributes. For each email address, create a new field with the name data-netlify-to and the corresponding email address as the value.

  11. Save your changes.

By adding the custom code with the data-netlify-to attribute, you are instructing Webflow to send form submissions to the specified email addresses. When a user submits the form, the submissions will be sent to the designated email addresses instead of the primary account email.

Remember to publish your website for the changes to take effect.


Hi there, this works great for a single email address. But I keep getting ‘This attribute already exists’ when I try to add again for another email address. Any help will be great.

is it possible also to forward the form to different email addresses based on the selection of a dropdown field in the form?

Webflow doesn’t use Netlify so unless you’re exporting and hosting your site on Netlify and paying for Netlify forms, the solution above suggested by Erwin wouldn’t do anything.

The way you’d handle this is to use external automation like Make .com or Zapier to handle the secondary notification.

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so it is not possbile to redirect from to certain email address by using custom code in webflow?

Not by itself, you need a system to send the email notification.
Webflow’s does not allow you to configure the email notification receiver dynamically or even per-form.

would you recommend any system? I was reading about which seems could do what I’m looking for. Basically, I have a form with a dropdown with few options and I like to submit the form to a different email based on the option selected in the form

For this I’d typically use make .com, and then use Mailjet for the send. It depends entirely on the scale of the redirect feature, and the security those email addresses need.

I also use Basin a lot for its excellent SPAM handling, and it has some features which support dynamic email routing based on form fields like your dropdown select.

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