You could give our library a spin!
Looks promising, I’ll try it tonight!
any news if this is going to increase? I need to publish several nested elements inside a category and I’m not able. 5 is a hard limit for me on the project I’m working on!
Just as a helpful pointer, this item about larger breakpoints (found in the Designer list) was resolved in April this year (2020).
5 refences is just so low. This should definitely be increased to 10. I think this request has been here for a few years now.
Just a heads up, I still don’t know how many dynamic pages I can have in one project. Here it says ‘up to 10 000 depending on the plan’ - so what is it?
Check the pricing page the link you provided links to
“Collection items” is the thing you need to check the numbers of.
Ah thanks, I didn’t know they were the same thing. I get it now… .)
Add this:
- Adobe Fonts Integration only in projects with active hosting possible.
→ So you cannot duplicate the current live project and have a typography redesign in the copied project.
- Pagination of collections are not possible without URL/site refreshing. (just with custom code)
5 items only in a Nested Collection Lists …
5 only!
It literally makes such a powerful feature almost useless.
I think a limit is reasonable, but not 5.
@anthonychan2509 - Think of the impact to performance if you just made it 10. It would probably be significant no?
yup, if it is just a performance hindering, I think the Webflow team could be able to figure it out.
I guess Webflow had put crazy amount of effort into developing the nest collection feature. But it will be a lot more practical if the limit is a little bit higher.
Collection list nesting - really makes it next to useless.
Gonna try the f’nsweet workaround. Because 5 is way too low.
Today, I have to disagree with many of you. How can you call it a great list?
It is NOT a great list. It is a sad list.
@thesergie Some points (from this and other lists) are an embarrassment. As we all read, Webflow hit a valuation of $4 billion the other week. To show this more clearly. $ And we are hearing you talking about going towards enterprise, phase3, and web3.
Why bite more than you can chew? What about cleaning up the mess first? What about doing your phase2 homework first? Please go not the WeWork route for no-code web editors. Do your homework first.
Hey @samliew I’ve had this super helpful list bookmarked for a while. (Thank you for creating it!)
Is this currently up to date? Specifically the Ecommerce section? I wonder because I believe Webflow released support for [10] discount/coupon codes back in 2020 (Do more with Ecommerce discounts). Since that item is still on this list, it makes me wonder if a lot of it may be outdated.
Thanks again for putting your time into such a valuable resource!
EDIT: It looks like the [3] shipping zones (and country) limitations may also have been addressed? Possibly also the [24] “no custom shipping option based on which products are selected”?? Configure shipping methods for different shipping zones | Webflow University
EDIT 2: “buy now” buttons [15] also supported as of 2020? (Please correct me if I’m missing that these are incomplete solutions.) Buy Now buttons for Ecommerce are here | Webflow Features
EDIT 3: According to Configure Ecommerce taxes | Webflow University, the USA, Canada, EU, and Australia tax rate controls and receipt information are handled automatically. Maybe this should be noted in item [22]? This would help readers determine if it affects their project/client or not.
EDIT 4: I think this update in 2019 Collect more info from your Webflow Ecommerce customers | Webflow Features addressed item [18] “Missing customers email address and phone number in notification emails” but maybe I’m mistaken about what this specifically refers to? Is it that they specifically do not appear in the “notification email” that the website owner receives?
Collection in Collection Item
You cannot filter, only limit a collection WITHIN a collection item.
E.g. if you have blog posts and categories. And you want to show the Category Name and the according blog posts for this category. This is not possible, because you cannot filter the Collection within the Collection Item (Category) by e.g. category.
@samliew Is your list still up to date?