I don’t want the webflow template tile to show up when I send my site link to someone on messenger. I have made all the SEO changes per page. I am not sure where I am getting wrong. It would be great if someone can help me.
Hey @ulpatil
Maybe you need to check OG image for this one > https://university.webflow.com/article/open-graph-settings
Hey @PeterDimitrov Thanks for quick response. I have already done those settings. You can take a look at attached image. Thanks for help.!
I don’t see og image set here
Check this one > https://www.loom.com/share/1e60b152d7bc43a19a945ef0ebbf47e9
Hi @PeterDimitrov, thank-you for response. I have made changes told by you and published the site but still I can see the same template tile. Can you please help?
Since this is an old post, I’m assuming you figured it out but I’ll leave this here for anyone else with this issue.
Upload the new image you wish to show to your Assets
Copy the URL - click the gear in the top right of your newly added image in the asset panel, and click the Copy To Clipboard icon in the top right
Add Image - Go to Pages and then the Settings for your Home Page. Scroll down to Open Graph Settings. Delete the existing URL and Paste in the URL for your image.
Update the OG Title and Description