Image upload no longer works? Already tried most forum suggestions

Hi everyone,

I’ve only just begun exploring Webflow but am already running into a bug.
Last week I was able to easily create a small piece of a website header, however my assets upload is no longer working. When I upload a new file (jpg, png, svg, tried all of them) the upload animation only loads till about 1/4th of the way and then it just pops away. :confused:

I’ve looked around these forums and I’ve already tried multiple machines and browsers, incognito and normally and nothing seems to help.

Dragging and dropping an image file into the designer does show my images in real size, but as soon as the asset panel is opened up the image disapears after a few seconds and turns into the default gray image box.

I’ve linked my read-only project below. Any help would be much appreciated! :face_with_thermometer:

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK]1
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi, @Geffrey_Barendregt!

Ben here with the Webflow Customer Support Team!

Thanks so much for reaching out about the issues you are seeing with uploading images to the assets panel. I made a copy of your site and did some checking and I was able to upload without issue.

I know you’ve already tried multiple browsers and Incognito mode.

But, can you try in Incognito mode one more time? If you get the same result, can you please take a screenshot of your Console and send it to me: How to get console

Also, could you please let me know what browser version you’re using by sending me your information from this page

Looking forward to hearing back from you so we can solve this for you! :webflow_heart:

Hi Ben, thank you so much for trying to work this out!

It still does not work in both Chrome and Brave. Here is the screenshot from my console.
My browser is Brave with shields down but the link you’ve sent me tells me it’s:

Chrome 76 on Windows 10

Thank you for your help!

Hi @Geffrey_Barendregt,

Just to clarify, the actual browser you are using is Brave?

If so, that could be your issue. Webflow is designed to work specifically on Chrome and Safari at the moment. The link that @rileyrichter (Ben) sent you is most likely Chrome 76 since that is what he uses.

Hope that clarifies a bit better for you!


Hi Brandon,

Thanks for replying!

Yes, my actual browser is Brave. Which runs on Chrome but with some extra features. Both my Chrome (The actual Chrome) and Brave run on Chrome 76, specifically version 76.0.3809.100

A few week or so ago the asset upload was working just fine for me, I haven’t done an update since then either.

Any ideas? :zipper_mouth_face:

So I have tried it again using a new account because I’m noticing error windows pop up saying I am not logged in and having to reload the page quite often. I’m still having the same results with multiple images. The console looks like this:

Out of curiosity, does the problem occur when using Chrome strictly?

Thank you for your reply!

Yes. Chrome, Brave and Safari.

Chrome shows pretty much the same error code (Incognito, btw)

Hi @Geffrey_Barendregt,

Not sure what the issues or settings are on your computer, but sounds like a glitch on your machine alone.

I would recommend removing your Brave and Chrome browsers. Then reinstall them and see if that fixes your issues. It almost sounds like a specific issue related to your machine. What version of MacOS are you using?

Hi Brandon,

It’s actually happening on both my machines, a windows 10 and a MBP both just updated to the latest OS. The console on my macbook looks slightly different. I’ve posted it below. I will check with my neighbours laptop in a few minutes to see if the problem persists.


I have NO IDEA then.

This is more of a tech/customer support issue than a forum one.

So what should I do from here? :slight_smile:

@Geffrey_Barendregt, have you submitted to the customer support portal?

So I’ve just figured out what the cause of the problem is. :partying_face:

When I tether my computer to a 4g network everything is working fine, when I connect back to my home network (Both Wi-Fi and LAN) the problem returns. Any idea what might be causing this?


This sounds more like an issue with ur internet provider or even the network u r on!

To be honest that’s out of my wheel house these days.

Maybe someone else in the forum can help?!

@Geffrey_Barendregt I believe @QA_Brandon is right. It sounds like you should talk to your isp

I’ve resolved the issue! It was a problem with my IPS, I had to manually set my DNS settings and Webflow works like a charm again.

Thank you everyone for the suggestions :grin:


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