I haven’t been able to upload an asset (easily) to my website for 2 days.
When dragging and dropping, or using the upload button, it just hangs and never loads.
If I click in and out of my site about 30 times, trying to upload each time, it will eventually upload perhaps 1 image at best.
I have tried everything I can think of - deleting all cookies, using the browser incognito, using a wifi connection, ethernet connection, tethering on my phone
Please can you help. It’s very urgent and has been seriously impacting my workflow.
Hi mate, sorry for the long delay. It has continued to be a problem these last 5 weeks. It simply hangs on load and I have to try again and again and again.
I’ve been getting by by tethering my phone. For some reason the ratio of uploads to fail to loads seems to be better on my tethered phone and has allowed me to limp by.
Today however nothing it loading at all, not my browser or my computer. I’ve tried multiple files. I’ve tried multiple browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safarii), I’ve tried different computers (both Mac desktops), I’ve tried wifi and mobile tethered networks…
Thanks so much for reaching out and reporting this issue that you’re having with asset export. This is definitely odd behavior, but I’m happy to help!
There are a few factors which could cause this, your internet connection, ISP (internet service provider) issues, older browser versions, browser extensions, or of course a bug.