January 30, 2024, 1:34am
Hey, guys!
I have been building my portfolio website from scratch and trying to link each of dropdown menus with CMS collection page, not the specific page.
Because I am thinking of creating this with free site plan at the moment, so there is a limit to create enough pages to link with… !
Is there anyone knowledgeable of this topic?
I appreciate your help in advance so much !!
Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link )
(Michael Wells)
January 30, 2024, 3:34am
Hi Riha,
You just create your collection page and then figure out the relative path, e.g.;
Then in your menu item, you can do an absolute link, to that path.
If you have a collection of items ( like 5 most recent blog articles ) you can use a collection list inside the nav to automate those updates.
January 30, 2024, 4:34am
Hi, Michael!
You mean I should create a new link block with absolute position on nav bar and I can add a collection list inside the nav…?
As what I am asking is If I click one of the dropdown link, it directly takes to CMA collection page…!
Is that what you are letting me know?
like the screenshot below
(Michael Wells)
January 30, 2024, 4:50am
Yes those are the instructions I shared.
You’d copy and paste a dropdown item if you need to, but you would not need a link block and would not want to mess with the nav’s positioning. Use use a standard menu item unless you’re trying to break with the layout. Not recommended unless you’re very experiences in CSS and layouts.