How to edit category names and update their links?

Hello guys,

I’m absolutely brand new to WebFlow, and have a problem when it comes to renaming the blog categories that were already present in the template I’m using.

There are currently 4 categories: business, design, marketing and development, which I want to change to news, health, nutrition, and lifestyle.

I have no idea how to change the categories’ names and update the links to the articles. I’ve tried to do my due diligence before I asked in the forum, but I can’t find anything relevant to my problem.

I don’t know where to look and which setting to use to edit the category names, or if it’s a straightforward process to edit?

I’m on day 3 of sitting and scratching my head, so any guidance or help will be gratefully received.

Best regards,


[1]: [Webflow - National Health Magazine)]

What you’re looking for is in the CMS. If you click on each of these categories it will open a page to let you edit them.

Here’s a Webflow University course that you may find helpful.

That warning really only matters if you’re linking to the original link from other pages or if other websites are linking to the original link as changing the slug would break the link and take the user to a 404 instead.

If this is a brand new website and it hasn’t been launched yet you will be fine changing the slugs to whatever you need without worrying about breaking links as no one has created external links to your pages yet.

To change the names of the Blog Categories you need to click into the Blog Categories collection (it’s right above Blog Posts). Your screenshot is of the Blog Posts.

I think I’ve been trying to do it in Designer instead of Editor. DOH! :see_no_evil:

Tiredness is definitely catching up.

Appreciate your help, Caitlin. Thank you.

You can edit the CMS in the Designer and the Editor. Webflow is a bit of a learning curve but I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it!

I’m getting there, stumbling along bit by bit. Practice makes perfect!