How to delete old backup versions of the site?


I helped a client, who bought a template, and we have just finished the project. We did a whole repurpose of the site.

Bandwidth on the site is high, and there are images and background videos from the template using a lot of it up.

I’ve tried deleting all assets, republishing the site, and then they all return. Despite checking everywhere on the site to see if these assets are present, and they’re not.

I was wondering, how do I go about deleting old backup versions of the site? I think these media items are stored on Webflow’s backend in case I need to back up the site. I don’t want to do this and won’t ever have to, so I’d like to delete the old backed up versions of the site.

How would I go about doing it?


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)