How can I use Webflow in creating a landingpage + contact form

Hi all.

Webflow looks great, and can’t wait to get started. I have one question I am hoping the community can help me out with (I am a bit of a newbie, so bear with me):

I want to create a 1 pager landingpage with a “Contact us” button. The Contact us button should display a contact form in either A) a lighbox, or B) a second page.

It is possible for me to do these 2 pages in Webflow “independently” (since I can’t do multiple pages), export it and then manually integrate it with eg. mailchimp?

Or any advice how you would go around doing it?

Many thanks in advance

+1 on this one :smiley:

You can totally do this!

Watch this video I made showing how to build a landing page in Webflow:

We don’t support multiple pages yet. For now you can build the second page in the same page and then break it out into another page upon export. You can do that extra page or find a simple css modal out there ([Bootstrap modal][1] works great).

You can embed a mailchimp signup form into your second page. [Instructions here][2]. We will be releasing working forms you can customize and publish soon too! I’d say just wait for those. :smiley:
[1]: Redirecting…
[2]: Add an Embedded Form to Your Website | Mailchimp

Why not include contact form INTO the landing page? It’s more clean and simple than having your beloved visitors click all over the site :slight_smile:

Thanks for the guidance and suggestions :smile:

I’ll get cracking.

Thanks again,

Totally @bartekkustra! We are about to release forms that work out of the box so you can create a contact form.

I moved a post to a new topic: My site Bellhop

One thing I noticed is that when people load my website, it loads/starts at the bottom of the page…I can’t figure out why.

Any ideas?


The good @bartekkustra helped me out:

Go to your webflow design, scroll to the bottom and get into “Arrange
a showing of your home and explore your options, by completing the
form.” input form. In options uncheck “autofocus” from it :slight_smile:

Thanks Bartosz!


Sweet! I’m glad you got it figured out! That site looks SAHWEET! Glad you’re liking Webflow too!