WEBFLOW is the webdesign tool of my dreams and this is what I would like to have hereafter that I think it would be helpful for a creator of visual sites.
the opportunity to buy a template or create it and than the ability to copy elements, parts, sections, and interactions of a project (site 1) to parts of another project (site 2) in the same dashboard.
This thing is essential to develop new ideas and to speed up the work in webflow. -
the integration of additional tools (forms, forms parts, add-ons, 3rd parties API, calendar/date/time, various components) to vary the creative possibilities and speed up the work in webflow.
password protection for pages.
the ability to transfer, via FTP, the files of the site created, directly from webflow to
the target site on other servers, to do the update as if we were on the webflow’s server. -
a more comprehensive management and optimum use and functions of the form to send email and other to interact more effectively to the outside.
I hope that one day these things will be available, thanks for the fine work Webflow.