10 Features that would make me love Webflow even more

Let’s keep it simple:

  1. A user dashboard for my clients where they can see website visitors (GA), Form entries, latest blog posts, recent changes…

  2. A FULL Rich Text Editor that allows editors to make more detailed texts (something like TinyMCE)

  3. User roles to allow specific users to for example edit their own blog posts/pages/…

  4. SSL Certificates (yup, again)

  5. Blog-related elements like share-buttons, comment sections, page stats (like amount of shares/visits…)

  6. Dynamic Sliders, Lightboxes, Tabs…

  7. Multi-language feature (possibility to add translations)

  8. Deeper integrations with Mailchimp, Zapier, CRM’s and other mailing services

  9. Folder structures with more file formats supported (images, videos, pdf,…)

  10. A search function (this would allow for bigger websites like directories, even small ‘web apps’)

Looking forward to see you work on these features.

Thank you so much by the way, Webflow.
You have already made me more money than Wordpress has ever been able to. Yay!


Thanks for the input. I know a number of these are already on the roadmap. I think SSL is coming soon, but no ETA.

I think the dashboard would be cool but not really a necessity for the site to function, but then again, thats not something i’d use if I’m managing the site myself.

As far as the text editor, I usually do all my editing in a text editor and just copy/paste. Is there something missing from the rich text editor?

I think user roles could be cool, at the very least a modified version of the can edit parameters within the editor. You could apply to different classes of editors like, can edit: level 1 and 2, not 3 etc.

I think share buttons for blog posts would be cool. I am sure dynamic elements are coming soon, just takes time for them to be cms ready.


Search would be sweet too.

Thanks for having faith in these guys! I wouldn’t be able to do this for a living without Webflow so every happy user helps them keep doing what they do. Hopefully the updates and new features will keep rolling out.


Hey Dfink

I have a lot of clients who want to manage their own website, so a dashboard would be really cool to have!

For the text editor I refer to the freedom most people have with Wordpress posts and pages, which is not possible in Webflow. This doesn’t allow for a lot of customized blog layouts.

I’m sure they’ll do their best with the new features! Still so amazed by this platform. :slight_smile:

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I’m absolutely with you on this!

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Nice list! Webflow is going fast… so it will come all at the right time.

i miss some dynamic filter elements… as mentioned before:

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1 feature down, 9 more to go! Loving the SSL feature. :slightly_smiling:

Go Webflow!

Which one? SSL? Have I missed an update? :slight_smile:



“SSL Hosting is currently in closed beta.” I see :slight_smile:

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4 months later we almost have 1. and we have 4. That’s 2 out of 10…
I must say I’m quite disappointed with the recent new features that Webflow has released.

Any updates on the roadmap?

I must say I’m quite disappointed with the recent new features that Webflow has released.

Which ones?