Discover and site interface features

  • A different alert when someone Comments on your projects. At the moment they get buried in the other alerts and you miss them easily.
  • rich text and links in project description and comments
  • death to the char limit in projects descriptions
  • ability to add many external URLs in designer profile, so Webflow profile can become the only design profile. (flickr, behance, instagram, linkedin etc…
  • ability to allow people to buy designer time: you go on one designer profile, you click on buy time, you enter a special project URL, and credit card info, chose amount of time or number of intervention ticket, and the designer gets notified. The specil URL is like a public link but with saving capability. Once the deisgner is done, the edits are on your site, and you can revert to a saved backup point if you want.
  • add other designers as author to a project. the first designer is always the owner but the project appears in other dashboard too and they have the choice to make it public or not. (see how it works for Behance)
  • a “reply” to a project comment, that is not an additional comment. So a 2 level strcture with only the designer able to answer to comments. original commenter can also reply to your reply.
  • being notified when someone answer to your answer.
  • a different favicon, a LOT of different favicons. multicolor one for webflow sites (company). We have the black one for the designer but we need a colored one for the published site (default not being black but blue or something). Another one for the designer dashboard, and another one for the designer platform.
  • a better, more precise organization activity in team plans. With more details about the changes, possibly.
  • “For Hire” section could be a top one. Clients could be allowed to leave testomionials.

@vincent absolutely love all of those, I was just talking about the “dashboard” section more than the discover but now that I think about it they ALL MAKE TOTAL SENSE :smile: