I have a client who’d like a customer review/testimonials area where customers could go and leave their name, rating, and review of the company service that was delivered. Does anybody have any direction to where I can go with this?
The reviews would sit on it’s own page called /customer-reviews. Once a customer submits a review, it would display on the page.
Was thinking some sort of third party form plugin (potentially something from CodeCanyon), but not really having luck finding anything that’s quite what I need. Although because the site is hosted through Webflow, uploading any third party plugins is going to be a no-go.
I’ve tried telling the customer that Google reviews should be good enough, but they would like something built into the site.
Any ideas?
update: I’ve been playing around with KudoBuzz, it looks like it may do the job, but still open to any ideas/suggestions.
@StuM I’ve installed KudoBuzz. It seems to be doing the trick for the time being I think. There will be some obviously limtations with regards to layout, but I’m just in the process of overriding the default styling.
Here’s a screenshot of adding in the software via a custom html snippet.
I’m the cofounder of Monto.io – like Janne said, we do a Webflow-first Reviews app (and more recently Abandoned Cart Recovery). The main advantages are customization and automation without additional tools and workflows. Please reach out to me at mack@monto.io if I can help you get set up or with an extended free trial!
I have ben trying/testing the Abandoned cart Recovery from monto.io. A really cool tool that works very well. I have been testing on a small site but people are recovering their carts
If anyone is still looking, Supersparks just released a reviews app that is fully customizable in the Webflow Designer. The app is also integrated with Memberstack and Webflow’s free memberships tool, so when a logged in user posts a review, data associated with their account (name, image, and more.) gets automatically displayed on their reviews. You can learn more through the link below :
Full disclosure, I am the founder of Supersparks. So do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any feedback or questions .
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