Hi everyone, I have a problem that has been discussed before but no clear answer was ever given, so I’m asking for help and also (depending on how this goes) hope it helps future webflowers.
What I am trying to do is set up a page that has a series of buttons across the top. Each button has a different filtering option (all, day, time, name, etc.). When each is clicked, the collection list only shows items that are relevant to that filter type. READ THE REST BEFORE YOU SAY JUST USE ISOTOPE.
First, I know about Isotope and mix-it up and all that stuff. I searched for hours and read many articles and tried many things before posting this. What I want to understand is how to do this NATIVELY inside webflow. I am not against custom code or plugins, but this really seems like it would be an obvious option in the link settings. (to change to a specific collection list filter or sort).
Second, I know this can be done with tabs, but you can only have 20 collection lists on a page (no matter what) and that is ridiculous and prevents me from offering detailed sort options (and a search bar is too vague). I want to give people very specific search options (there is a reason for this that I won’t go into, but its important that I figure this out, and no its not a client project). I’ve had success linking a dropdown to multiple pages but once you hit 100 pages you’re screwed. AND it can’t be done by using the collection pages themselves because they cannot be uniquely designed. You also can’t link the collection items in a dropdown for the same reason (one linkblock to rule them all).
Keeping a bunch of links on a single page with one collection list (for filtering purposes) would save a crapton of time and resources as the methods we can employ now can breach the hard limits of CMS fairly quickly (and I hope this is not by design).
So if this is possible using a combination of links, filters, and switches, or some method I don’t know about or haven’t learned, then I’m all ears, but I’m pretty sure I’ve explained my case fairly clearly. If it is not possible, that’s insane. I did not come to webflow to be stonewaled by yet another insufficient page builder. Webflow is incredible and I’m loving it, so forgive my perhaps harsh tone. I’m just sick of looking for an answer and coming up empty. Having control over how collection items are displayed using link elements NATIVELY without resorting to workarounds that cause headaches and reworks later just makes sense on a platform like this.
Thanks for taking the time to read, comprehend, and respond to this plea. And no, there is no project example here because I have no example working yet, and if I did, I wouldn’t need to post this!