About the teams

Hello everyone!

Is it really so that if I want another Webflow Pro user to work with me with one project I need to buy another (team) account? I was trying to sep up the team and it would cost me 84 $ / month. (+ my basic pro account fee).

There must be another people with the same problem? Have you managed to solve this problem?

Networking, remote working and freelancing are way to work today, so it would be nice if this would be easier also with Webflow.

Greetings from North :slight_smile:


Hi @BreadinsteadCake

Probably best to contact support@webflow.com to discuss the best way to achieve the setup needed for your case.

Also add your feedback on related wishlist items: Real time collaboration on a project | Webflow Wishlist


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Thereโ€™s also this one on the wishlist too.


Iโ€™m all for collaboration and this forum proves that great things come from it. :webflow_heart:

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Good spot @matthewpmunger