I’ve read up on the forums about people integrating Wordpress blogs into their exported Webflow sites, but I need some help. I’ve got a client that has an existing site built entirely in Wordpress, and I’d like to rebuild it manually in Webflow. However, they’ve got a blog section - and seeing that the new Webflow CMS isn’t released yet - I’ll need to find a solution to integrate their old blog into their new exported site.
Does anyone have any tips? Their current Wordpress blog is a long-scrolling theme, and they’d like their posts to have individual pages and an archive for older posts.
While @pingram3541 did some nice tutorial on how to integrate website from Webflow to Wordpress I assume that’s not what you want in the end ;) There are numerous CMS you could integrate with Webflow right now - some are free, some are paid. Some are working fine, some are full of bugs. There are few that work great, but mostly require setup that takes so much time it would be easier to integrate back to Wordpress.
If I were you I would wait on CMS from Webflow that is coming soon. It will be a game changer and I’m sure you’ll love it! :)
Speaking of integration of old blog, you could try with reading XML file that is generated by wordpress. I’ve done this one once and worked pretty well. But that will require a lot of scripting to make it work as you wish, so I’d still recommend to wait ;)