This is gonna be super awesome, when can we have more details on exactly what it’s gonna do?
*deep breaths *
This is gonna be super awesome, when can we have more details on exactly what it’s gonna do?
*deep breaths *
I’m beyond hyped. This is what i’ve been waiting for!!!
Already signed up for the beta. Accept me already
Love you guys
I know right… same here super super excited, this is gonna change everything… this is like… internet 2.0 wooooo
<3 <3 webflow team <3 <3
Thanks for the feedback, the love, and your patience, everyone .
Any word on how this affects the other developments in the works?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for an easy CMS, but I’d actually rather have more and better tools at my disposal for creating awesome sites. Extended grids, more widgets, better CSS control, etc.
For many of my current and future clients, I don’t see them moving their site beyond their current hosting. So, I need to work within a CMS that is portable to wherever they’d like to host it.
Sign me up Johnny!! w00000000t!!!
I don’t know but I think in the ideal iteration it would be something you could “turn on” as a feature? I’m not sure how much new learning there is but I think part of the reason this has been so long in the works is to do with getting it to fit seamlessly into the current system and platform.
Super excited about Webflow’s CMS, I currently use Business Catalyst’s CMS which is great, but not for the faint of heart, will be jumping ship when it becomes available, thank you webflow team for putting so much quality and time into the best Website builder I have ever used.
yeah I agree.
CMS / data-store to → views are cool and all.
But really we need more refinement on the design tooling end… and maybe even new design tooling in general. I know data hosting is a BIG BIG cash cow and this is a deeper step in the “data-landlord-lock-in” direction BUT design tooling needs more love me thinks
my 2.6 cents
@Veloce - we don’t plan on stopping development on the things you’ve mentioned. A lot of innovation to come in empowering you to create even more custom/beautiful websites with extensible layouts/widgets, etc. The CMS just makes your static designs come alive with content
Agree @Arthur You can name me any other In-Browser Design tool ive used them all, Webflow is by far the best. They have in many ways nailed the overall User Experience when designing.
The only caveat is custom grids. The method i’m using now to get around this is rather hacky with HTML embeds which just bloats the CSS. Granted i’m mainly only building prototypes but the ability to have my own custom grid… Would be the icing on the cake @brryant
@brryant that’s good to hear, I think that a CMS was the logical next step for you guys, and that the tool as it is currently is so good that the CMS was the “next thing on the list” as it were, of features to be built…
@tim what do you mean custom grids??? Can you not use the column feature or divs with widths??
PixelGeek, the promo video was awesome. But I noticed that it didn’t mention sharing login credentials with clients. Do you know if it will have that. I am assuming so but I was wanting to know for sure.
UPDATE: After re-watching the promo and looking at the webpage for the new CMS, it’s clear that clients will be able to edit. How the hell did I miss that on the first watch? I think that I was experiencing brain overload at that moment. lol.
Wow … that sounds really cool!!!
Can’t wait to start testing it …
@Arthur It’s the added functionality of controlling a column width size between the breakpoints. Currently with Webflow if i use a 3 column layout i can only evenly arrange them in mobile view to stack 100% on top of one another. But with extended functionality (using css flexbox) we could be able to control each column individually per breakpoint, stacking them in a way that best fits the content. See below:
An example of this would be the Hero section in the example i sent over. You could set the image column to span 12 columns and the text / link section to each span 6 columns (50%) respectively.
Maybe a little complex for other users needs but in the long run i really think people would grow to love the flexibility it offers.
@GodlessGlen I think that there are a whole bunch of things that are gonna come with it and my guess is that as part of the “CMS” side of things there is a separate login for clients, possibly with limited features, possibly (this would be awesome but I’m not expecting it) with whitelabeling (as part of a pro or organisation plan)…