When oh when are webflow going to fix this nonsense?

We all know it… Navbar current links - you cant even see them once the navbar has been made into a component & the critical bug is that the navbar links do NOT adopt the CURRENT settings for their class when you add a new navbar link and give it the class, they have to be formatted from scratch individually for the CURRENT state… even when they have been given a CURRENT class setting those class settings are ignored!!! so any new links you add dont conform to the class Current settings and then - joy of joys! you cant edit them!!

even better, once the navbar has been made into a component you cant un-component the navbar to access the current settings which wont adopt the class settings to edit them… it’s so well thought out

please webflow in the name of everything holy fix this joke, how hard can it be to fix?


It took me about an hour just to find out (from your post) that it’s the component that screws up the access to current states in navbar links.:exploding_head:

This is pretty bad. Surely there’s a way around it? There must be!:weary:

I have a huge navbar with 4 different collection lists etc. and I’m not looking forward to re-building the whole thing from scratch.

Such a simple thing and already so much time wasted.

I really hope this gets fixed.


Same problem, very annoying. Please fix! Hope this gets more attention!

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