What? I can't use File Upload in forms unless my client upgrades to a biz account or higher? What?!

Can I gripe for a moment here? I just found out that I can’t use the File Upload component inside of my client’s form because she doesn’t have a business account or higher. Really??? Even GoDaddy’s FREE website builder allows me to put a File Upload feature on a form (I know this because I have to maintain my client’s site on there while I am building the new one). For the life of me, I can’t understand why Webflow would take such a simple form feature and use it as leverage to get people to upgrade. It’s NOT a special feature.

The dilemma I have over this is she is a non-profit and is still getting things off the ground so she doesn’t need and frankly, can’t afford, a business account at this time. Now, I have to tell her that her users will not be able to directly upload files via her new website (they could on the old one).

I mean, here I am touting Webflow as the greatest website builder on the planet, and I can’t even upload a file using a simple form unless I’m paying $36+ per month on hosting. I find it to just be ridiculous.

Can I add custom code to get around this roadblock?

Ok, gripe over. You can go about your day now. grumble

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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Hi @Wendy_Schorr

You are correct that the file upload feature requires the business site plan.

This is due to the additional file storage required with this feature as it is used.

As an alternative you could use a seperate form integration. There are many form tools that integrate very easily.

I’ve run into the same thing, and it made one of my clients FURIOUS.

I agree, if it’s a free feature with other website builders, Webflow shouldn’t try to use it as a selling point to a Business Level hosting. It just doesn’t make any sense.

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