Yep, has been intermittent for a least a couple of months in Chrome. It’s super annoying, as it prevents the user from toggling a value with the up-and-down keys, instead you are forced to manually enter a number and manually re-enter adjustments.
For reference, I have autofill set to “off” in Chrome.
Hi @Brando, Any word on this bug? It still a problem for me. Perhaps a cache problem?
Everything works fine for me. Using Chrome
I can see there is a fix currently being worked on, so once it’s been pushed live then we can let you know. You’ll likely need to do a hard refresh and empty the cache once it’s live.
I know it’s really annoying, so thank you for your patience
Hey again,
If you could clear your cache and please try again as a fix should be live now.
I’ll be standing by for your responses!
one min
Hello @magicmark
Is this affecting the forms autofills as well? I’ve always experienced this and although it’s not annoying as people could think it’s a bit strange to work like that in the designer and whenever you’re previewing your site.
@aaronocampo I would say that is expected behaviour as defined by the browser. You can turn this off by disabling autofill in the browser settings.
I will certainly ask if this expected though
unfortunately, still the same bug
Hey @magicmark, thanks for your quick response, although I did that a while ago for this same reason and still have the same issue
Thanks for the update @shokoaviv I’ll keep you posted.
@aaronocampo I’ve mentioned this too to see if it’s expected or not.
Still there. Tried incognito on a different account as well.
Yayyyyy it’s gone!
Thanks Webflow devs!
@Cricitem @aaronocampo @shokoaviv @PeterDimitrov @Fathom @gilson @MrNicevillager @Sveky @JanneWassberg @Vako_Shvili @GGeer3 @Josh_Gordon @904TECHNOLOGY @Heinrich_Held — lots of folks!
Yes we pushed a fix for this
Hi @aaronocampo
I believe this is a separate issue with a separate fix the team is working on. You are referring to chrome autofilling forms in the Designer preview mode; correct?
Ok, I thought it was the same.
Yes I mean autofilling forms on in the designer, not necessarily in preview mode though. I experience this in the designer and different browsers as well not just Chrome.
Thanks @Brando
Thanks for the extra info here @aaronocampo.
Will definitely keep you updated when a fix is pushed
The error is back again in Google Chrome - my username is going into the incorrect fields where there is a form on the website