I am struggling with the design to deployment workflow for sites that are to be transferred.
The client scenario is they want to have designer access and ownership of the site.
I also need the client to be adding content to the CMS while the site is staged. I can’t add them as an editor as I can’t add hosting to a site to be transferred.
If I transfer the site to the client and add hosting, I then have to log into their account to make changes.
It feels like projects need multiple designer accounts and permissions. So a client can own the site, but I can see it in my dashboard (Account type : designer).
How do people manage this situation? I hope I am not missing some features that make my issues redundant (highly likely as I have only been on the platform for a few months).
How I do it is to host my clients through Webflow on my account through client billing and for the launch of the site I have them send me all the content for me to design it out initially. Then once it’s launched I add them as an editor. It’s better this way anyway because I want to make sure that the foundational content they give me fits in the design/layout I create.
My thinking there would be to have the team plan whilst you build, and then when ready to transfer over, both accounts switch - yours to Pro (for transfer) and theirs to whichever suits - even the free/starter account.
Have you run the scenario past support@webflow.com ? They are best to advise on the possibilities for specific plans/scenarios.