Webflow main page

I think Webflow could increase conversion rates of new visitors if there was an immediately available sandbox mode. My personal experience of researching SaaS products, hints me, that from the point of view of a potential customer, I want to get my hands dirty right away. All the rest - infographics, copy, feature lists, screenshots, etc cannot measure up to the experience of just getting your hands on the thing. (Which does not mean we should not have those, as well.) Sandbox should be technically possible via the method of share links.

This is why I’d like to suggest that Webflow offer a registration-free sandbox access to the editor on its home page, next to the “Log in” button:

I’d also like to pay attention to the existing “Test it out” button. At first it seems to go exactly to the same purpose. But there are a number of problems actually:

  • it is not properly positioned - bottom of the page, instead of the more “action-oriented” top-right corner of the page;
  • it may overlap with the chat button and the “Made in Webflow” sticker, as is the case on the above screenshot;
  • it requires registration - a huge turn-off (and please, do not tell me that you want to “catch” that user by getting his email address :)))) ).
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If I’m not mistaken. they had this a few years ago. and there was definitely tutorial videos on how to build the webflow site.

I may be mistaken about the sandbox mode of their site though :slight_smile:

It´s still there.
Go here for a blast from the past :wink:

Amazing how far Webflow have come in this time.

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