Webflow is changing image names (from what's in the assets folder)

I’ve replaced four footer background image (inside a button) and noticed that the CSS correctly points to the images as they are in the assets folder. However, on code output, two of the images have been renamed by webflow.

Instead of “icon_linkedin.png” the image was renamed “icon_linkedin_1icon_linked.png”
Instead of “icon_facebook.png” the image was renamed “icon_facebook_1icon_facebook.png”

I’ve erased and reupped the images, but get the same results.
On the published site they work as needed, but those images reside on the cloud. The issue is the code output version.

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK](Webflow - Darwin-Perennials)
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

I’ve not seen that exact case before. I couldn’t check it out because your share link no longer works.

I have to wonder if “icon_linkedin”, and “icon_facebook” aren’t some reserved words triggering a bug.

Try renaming those to something else, re-upload, and see if you get the same behavior.

Thanks for you response.

I think this must have been a bug that was fixed recently. Another one of my sites had the same problem (it would not have been a reserved name as it was very unique), however, webflow was adding a “_1” at the end of it. This was just about a week ago. Now, it is naming it as I put it in there.

By the way, this had happened on both a direct image placement and as a background. Very strange. Hopefully, it will not reappear.

I have the same problem now in my export code. it make a double name in the background-image.

background-image: url(‘…/images/iconfinder_1498760919_1iconfinder_1498760919.png’);

in webflow the name is: iconfinder_1498760919.png’