Webflow Export to Github Automation


I recently came across an application called Flowgator that automates a Github push of your sites code each time you publish.

I’m really interested in how the automation steps after each publish goes. There’s a webhook for this that you can listen to, but what happens after that?

Some kind of wget that downloads the code for the whole site and pushing it through the Github API? There isn’t any export endpoint for the Webflow API that I might have missed?

I’m not sure if the creator of flowgator is on this forum, but if he/she is and would like to explain how the export to Github works it would be amazing. And if anyone else knows how this could be done as smoothly as possible, feel free to share. :slight_smile:

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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Just gonna bump this one once, in case it got buried :slight_smile:

Looks like @bartosz built this.

Oh, that’s cool. Let’s hope he sees the thread :slight_smile:

Hi @robingranqvist,
Sorry for the late reply. Flowgator works exactly as you described. There is no API endpoint for GitHub export or any export for that matter. That is why Flowgator was created.

Why do you ask? Do you need any help?

Hi @bartosz!

Is Flowgator dead? The website doesn’t work on my side :confused:

That one time when I used it it was quite buggy and didn’t export the website properly — the idea is lit tho!

I suspect it is, site has been down for some time.

Yep, I guess they were taken down by Webflow — probably because Flowgator violated TOS but I might be wrong about that.

Hi, @flashsites!

I’m interested in your project, so I’ll be glad to get beta testing.

Is your service similar to Flowgator (Press F to pay respects) or is it an entirely different story? I’m curious about the unavailability of custom domains right off the bat because GitHub allows enabling them for free. Also, is FlowHub free? If not, then what’s the pricing? If it’s free, then why and how do you make money off it (if you do, ofc)?

What I’m really interested in is to publish my websites to GitHub in a few clicks — better, if I just need to publish websites in Webflow and that’s it.

All the best,

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Does anyone know what happened to flowgator