I’ve slowly been learning webflow in my spare time and I have to say, I love what I’m seeing. I thought I’d ask a quick question and apologies if the answer is posted somewhere really obvious and I haven’t seen it.
When handing a project over to a client, what are their experiences like? As a client do you have to pay for hosting? I want to get my facts straight if I’m going to be selling my clients this platform and understand fully how it works.
If the client wants the site to be hosted on Webflow the answer is yes. If you’re building a site for a client you can use client billing. Learn more about client billing. There’s three plans when we talk about sites:
1. Basic Hosting - No dynamic content (No CMS)
2. CMS Hosting - Dynamic content with CMS (blog site, portfolio site, ect.) Every project can have up to 3 editors. Clients can edit the content through the editor. Very easy for the clients! The Webflow CMS is amazing!
3. Business Hosting - More features + CMS Up to 10 content editors
You can also transfer a finished project to your client’s Webflow account (however you need at least a Pro account to do this). This way they have full control over it and access the Designer as well as the Editor. The Editor is probably what most clients will be using as they don’t really have to change the structure or layout of the site but only its content. Also check out Webflow’s new videos about the Editor from a client’s point of view!
And yes, clients have to pay for hosting – either basic hosting or if they require the CMS, CMS hosting.