Unbranded HTML Changes

For the unbranded HTML in the professional plan, can someone confirm a few things?

  • does “” get removed?
  • does “< meta name=“generator” content=“Webflow” >” get removed?
  • does “webflow.css” to change to “wf.css” or something else?
  • does “webflow.js” to change to “wf.js” or something else?
  • does “sitename.webflow.css” change to just to sitename.css?

If there is an answer of “no” to any of the above… can I suggest that those changes be made? I have been making these changes on some exports and nothing breaks.

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This site was created in Webflow. http://www.webflow.com
Yes. Auto Removed

meta name=“generator” content=“Webflow”
No. Manually remove it

webflow.css" to change to “wf.css” or something else?
No issues. Can name it anything you want

“webflow.js” to change to “wf.js”
No issues. Can name it anything you want

“sitename.webflow.css” change to just to sitename.css?
No issues. Can name it anything you want

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Thanks for the reply. I know there are no issues manually changing it… just wondering if those changes are done automatically on the professional plan. It looks only the “created in Webflow” is removed… I thought all references to webflow would be removed/changed.

@PixelGeek I am going to change the status of the thread to feature request.

Unbranding simply means the automatic removal of the webflow message
and… you are permitted to remove it. Otherwise it’s basically a “psuedo” copyright message.

As you know… it’s in text.

Nothing else is unbranded.

I specialize in white-label products.

We operate a white-label service that only partners know about.

If you host with Webflow the “generator” piece can’t be removed. Or at least I don’t believe so.

If you remove the generator code… you will also need to change the FORM tag.

The generator code is used so that Webflow “know’s who you are”.

Without it… the form will display a warning message and stop loading.

Changing the form to a local server stops that.

You can leave the generator code… but to use a local server… you still need to change the FORM tag.

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If you change the name of the CSS files and don’t change the name of the CSS in the referenced HTML file then the HTML styling is broke correct? -

Thanks @Revolution. That is what I have been doing.

Yes @seank - it will break if it isn’t updated.

@jdesign - you can’t change any of this if it is hosted with Webflow… which is why I want them to consider making some of these changes for sites hosted with Weblow. To me, unbranded means removing all references to “Webflow” - including renaming css and js files. If the generator code needs to stay if it is hosted with Webflow then so be it… but I would hope they could find a work around. These changes would make the unbranded HTML cleaner.


I agree it could be cleaner, just hasn’t bothered my clients.

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Its not so much my clients… but me.

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