Typekit not loading when published

My site is not loading typekit fonts consistently once published. They appear in only a few items. I am working on an update to my website. Here’s the published link: http://dan-michaels-spectacular-5a0af4442474c5.webflow.io/

and this is how it should display: www.delli-colli.com

Thanks for your consideration.

Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/dan-michaels-spectacular-5a0af4442474c5?preview=f8e6ac2b22d98f915989d731f195b2f0
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @freshd

Awesome site! I checked and it appears fonts are loading as expected on all pages.

Have you resolved the issue? If you still see the issue, we wrote up a troubleshooting guide for the Typekit integration. Can you please go through this guide? It should resolve any issues you are having. :bowing_man:

I resolved the issue by deleting my typekit completely and reinstalling it all…both on typekit and on webflow. Then 30 minutes later it did the same thing. So I did the same thing again to fix it. It’s a bad bug for a lot of reasons, but mainly messing up my live site.


Thanks for letting me know – that definitely sounds frustrating.

When you see the fonts fail to load again, can you please grab a screenshot of the console and post it here?

​Thanks in advance!

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