HI guys. As you know, I’ve experienced problems with TypeKit fonts not rendering properly in the designer.
My experience has been that with any new project start, a new TypeKit kit can take up to 24 hours before it is recognized by the designer font panel. From that point, the kit can at any time just stop working for an unknown amount of time. Sometimes the kit begins working again when I’m in the middle of working on the site. Sometimes it takes days before it works again.
I’ve followed the recommended trouble shooting procedures many times that always determine that TypeKit and Webflow are both working as they should.
Again, today, my TypeKit fonts are not rendering. Any time that they are not rendering is time that I cannot work on the typography of a site.
I know that you only have some much control…it seems there is clearly something wrong with the TypeKit to Webflow connection that is going undetected. Can this be further explored with TypeKit to stop this from happening?
I am having a similar problem, but not quite the same. My fonts render properly in the designer, but not on the published site. This just started happening yesterday. Everything seems to be working correctly with Typekit itself.
Edit: Additionally, when opening the published site through Webflow ( Publish > Open in new window), the fonts are rendered properly when the site is first opened, but opening it by entering the URL or just refreshing the page causes the fonts to revert to their defaults.
Thanks for your patience and your email to support :) We will respond to email as soon as this is fixed, but for those that wonder I’d like to say few words in this post.
On screenshot you posted from console we can see actually 2 issues:
loading TypeKit gives you 403 error
tainted canvas from uploading/using SVG file.
The second one is currently being taken care of at by our dev. We expect to find a solution very soon, so we’ll keep you updated in here.
The first one is a TypeKit related error that simply says that TypeKit forbids using fonts on a certain website. This can be caused by two things (taken from their help page):
From Webflow perspective everything is working fine - Webflow asks for TypeKit and return the result of such query. It’s either “OK” or “NOPE”. This case is a random “nope” which is super frustrating…
If you have already republished your typekit and it didn’t work, can you check/try if the domain is added? Other than that I am sure it’s something only TypeKit Support could help with… :(
Please correct me if I’m wrong, and don’t take this post as a “can’t help, don’t ask”. We really wish to solve this problem, but it looks like everything is fine “on our end”. Can you please check with TypeKit support as they might have another solution for you that will work?
Let us know if any of the above worked for you. We’ll keep you updated within the support ticket when the “tainted canvas error” is fixed.
P.S. Congratz on 3 years as a freelancer :) We wish all best for you and another 3 and more years in this industry!
It’s very frustrating as this type of issue has been occurring since I first used webflow about a year ago and have sent many support tickets to which the end decision has been “we don’t know how to fix it.” I haven’t been able to work on my site for weeks and thankfully it’s my personal site, not a client’s (I have personal deadlines too…). I know that you’ve dug deeper this time for answers…but again, not cannot find any as things appear to be working on your end. I understand that typekit isn’t being super helpful to you either but I really think this does warrant a bigger push to have that conversation between webflow and typekit, considering their integration with your app is important to the success of webflow. I will reach out to them but will feel much more assured that I can look forward to using webflow in the future as I really hope to do, if you seek a solution with them and can ensure that this doesn’t continue to be an issue. As of right now, I can’t confidently pitch using webflow for new work if I can’t trust typekit fonts to render properly.
My domain names are set up properly as they always are in the typekit and I’ve republished several times as I’ve communicated to the webflow team. The last time I republished was on January 27…it made no difference. I republished today and the fonts are rendering. This gives me no assurance though, as in the past, fonts stop rendering at very random times and in different way.
I love webflow. I hope to become very good at using it and am able to use it for large projects in the future. I’m super thankful for your support team and the speed at which webflow grows. Thank you for your well wishes
Please let me know if you will attempt to continue the conversation with typekit.
Yes, been through all of this…it’s been a year since I’ve been emailing support about this. It’s been 22 days since this problem has been occurring with my personal site.
To make sure you don’t run into this issue and still be able to work while we look for possible solutions internally, have you considered using a Google Web Font instead of a TypeKit font?
I did think about this and I may have to but am very hesitant as: (1) Proxima is the font I use for my brand AND (2) to have to change all of the typography from a google font back to Proxima when a solution is found is counterproductive. More often than not use typekit fonts for projects than google fonts.
ah i see. Will has pinged our team again about this. I’ll let you know when I get an update on it. Sorry again for this I’m hoping to have good news very soon
@CynicalKiddo definitely know what you mean - thank you for being persistent with this. We’re looking into it now - hoping to have more news on a solution asap!