Whilst the Webflow guide is ok, this covers setting up Cloudfare and changing your name servers too!
Hope it helps.
Whilst the Webflow guide is ok, this covers setting up Cloudfare and changing your name servers too!
Hope it helps.
This is awesome many thanks, I am having an issue that Google Domains does not allow you to set @ (root) as a CNAME.
Are there any work arounds or do I have to accept www. as my default.
dead link buuuuuuuuump
Link is an updated explanation of this issue
You should be able to do this with DNS providers that support flattening. A lot of folks have a preference to use the www version (Apple, Google, Adobe, reddit, etc.), but the non-www or root version is a totally valid choice.
Please refer to this article about setting up flattening with your DNS provider. Most providers will be able to help you out if the configuration isn’t updating properly. Remember: it can take some time for DNS changes to propogate .
@Edward_Cronus, are you still experiencing any of the issues in the other hosting thread you linked to?
absolutely. I got my client to send her domain to domains.google at webflows advice, THEN the webflow u.i. told me to switch to a different client for DNS flattening
fixed the link - now working Setting your root domain as the default domain in Webflow | Growfox