Hello! I have a customer that is very upset about her domain - she wants the site to be on her root domain and also on SSL. SSL and hosting always gets confusing to me, but from what I understand, it’s not a Webflow issue, but a DNS (Godaddy) issue. However, she guarantees her Wordpress site was secure and on the root domain…she says her site was https://byrneslawfirm.com and had no problem. I’ve tried to talk her down, but she’s very upset and is wanting to move back to WP. Any info you can give me? Is there an app that WP has that allows you to do this? Trying to figure out how she even did that to begin with.
Hope i under stand you but you can have both www.MyDomain and MyDomain. This is a setup in the DNS. When fonfiguring Webflow you can set any of them to be default
Yes, but when I select MyDomain.com as the default, it sends it into a redirect loop. It only works if I have it defaulted as www.MyDomain.com
How is your dns records set up??
Looks fine to, me. Will try om one of my sites and se if i have any problem.
@allykat87 did test on a site and i got the same problem. Got an alarm from Pingdom directly.
Im kind of surpriced here. Im sure i have done this before. Let me se if i can find anything about it
Did find this on the Webflow site
Good to know
The default domain on SSL must be served on a domain that has a CNAME record. So, you’ll need to set the full domain (www.yourdomain.com) as the default domain. To set the root domain as the default, check Setting the root domain as the default domain.
If you see the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error, set the full domain (www.yourdomain.com) as the default domain and republish your site.
Yeah I saw that too So is this just a Webflow thing? It’s a DNS thing, right? So GoDaddy doesnt allow for CNAME flattening? I just don’t understand how it worked as https://byrneslawfirm.com before switching to Webflow.
If i understand the Webflow SSL solution it requires a CNAME record to work. A CNAME record cant be empty/flatten. My guess is that WP do have another solution for the SSL
It sounds like you needing CNAME flattening, best solution we have used for root domain SSL is to map dns name servers at registrar to Cloudflare, once its setup for free btw, then you can set the root domain without www as ssl in webflow and it should work fine. Tried to be very high level to save reading but there are articles on it on Webflow. Just look for CNAME flattening.
Just a note for client, www is the preferred standards for best SEO results. Yeah its arguable for sure, but just look at other large sites maybe in their industry and see they are using www also. Grab a screen snap and build the case for them to use the WWW
Cloudflare isnt the only solution just fyi