Hi I’m trying to pubish my site to my custom domain. If I use the www domain everything is fine, but when i try to make the root domain the default I can’t.
I get a message telling me that Go Daddy doesnt support this. Is this true or am I making something wrong?
In order to use the root domain as default, your DNS provider will need to allow CNAME flattening - unfortunately GoDaddy doesn’t allow this.
The settings you currently have are the standard records for setting the www version as default (which is generally recommended with Webflow).
If you want to use the root domain as default you’ll need to use a service that allows CNAME flattening like Cloudflare - instructions here: Cloudflare Integration | Webflow University
Hi Gary. I noticed your message about this issue. Wasn’t sure if you were saying all we needed to do was remove the TXT record and the root domain would work on Godaddy? Also, I’m not trying to use the root domain as the default but, I want if someones types it in instead of using the default www it still works.
A - you can use any DNS that supports CNAME flattening. Cloudflare is one of the best known for its excellent free solution, and you can use it just fine with your domain hosted at GoDaddy.
B - much more complex, you can setup a reverse proxy. Incidentally I usually use Cloudflare for this as well, but you have other options. Since you’re handling the direct connection with the user, you don’t have the CNAME flattening requirement with Webflow in that scenario.