Hi there,
As you may had to do so too, I need to get rid the client billing feature of some of my projects.
I’ve done most of them. I do not intend to use Bonsai since I wasnt billing profit before through this platform. I was just using the hosting opportunity awhich my clients would pay for.
So as an “easy” solution now, I’m making them one by one to create their own accounts and I’m transferring their sites, so they can set up their own billing, and its pretty much the same.
All good so far, but with some I’run into a pickle. Several clients of mine are decided to pay yearly and if I cancel their hosting and transfer their sites now (which I need to to before the end December as I recall) then they might rightfully be asking why do they have to pay again since it would only reoccur in spring/summer otherwise. So they would loose several months of payed hosting basically.
Is there a solution for this? Are the gonna get the “un used” months refunded? or Can I transfer the site with its hosting plan itself?
Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)