Template Updates

People who purchase templates should have the ability to pull up a cloneable site of the most recent version of that template to apply updates to their site. It’s silly that I’d have to delete all my work to put in a bug fix or new feature added by the template creators.

No other template marketplace works this way. You always have the ability to go back and download updates. If you’re worried we’ll use that template on another domain, then make it so the cloneable template only copies to your purchased template.

Hey @milkyway

Are you refering to if the template maker adds a new section / updates an element into a template that you’ve previously bought?

Templates also don’t need to update in the same way they do on wordpress for example, as in the updates happen on webflow’s end, the product you bought should not change. In the unsual case that there is a bug on your template you should be able to reach out directly to the template maker for support on that.


Hi @Thomas_92,

Thanks for the response. It was a bug update with one of the newer templates that the creator fixed. I was able to reach out to get a copy of the fixed element.


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I have the exact same issue. I found a bug in a template, contacted the creator. They re-published it. But how do I get this?