SOLVED: The problem was, I was using an Add to Cart button for a subscription, but subscriptions only work with Buy Now buttons.
Hey Webflow Gang,
I’ve come across a problem that I can’t solve after googling my brains out and going through these forums and I could use some help.
I finished my company’s website today and there is a subscription service involved as one of the products. This button shows up in Designer but on the published live site it disappears.
- I’ve tried deleting it and adding back.
- I’ve tried changing/adding it as Service with a Subscription
- I’ve tried changing/adding it as an Advanced product with Subscription.
I’ve gone through every detail but any product I change to subscription the Add to Cart button disappears on the published site.
I did set up our Stripe account today, so I thought it might have something to do with that, but everything else seems to be working fine. All Steps for Ecommerce and account management have also been completed on WF.
It’s one of those things I’ve been playing with and trying to solve for hours but I am totally stumped on this one and I appreciate the community’s help.
Thanks in advance everyone.
It’s the Service Subscription button towards the middle of the page under Get Started and above Sensors.
EDIT: When I switch the product to one-time payment and not subscriptions the add to cart button stays. So, it’s something to do with my subscriptions.
SOLVED: The problem was, I was using an Add to Cart button for a subscription, but subscriptions only work with Buy Now buttons.