Ecommerce "Buy Now" Button - keeps disappearing on publish


I keep trying to add a "Buy Now’’ button (using the webflow eccom elemetns) to my eccom page but it keeps disappearing on publish. I have tried a number of things but I think it’s just a bug.

I have attached my read-only site below:

Here is my site Read-Only:

(how to share your site Read-Only link)

@Noah_Kero thanks for sharing the read only link, since this issue is happening on the published site, could you share that link too? For now, are you using ad-blockers in your browser? That would be a big reason why the buttons aren’t being displayed.

No worries, here’s the live link Ecommerce test.

Thank you for responding !!

Hi @sarahfrison , I don’t have any ad blockers on. Did you manage to find a fix ?

Here is just an example of what I see when I try to publish the site.

When I keep refreshing the page, the button flickers for a second and then disappears :frowning:

I have also tried viewing the page on different devices and a couple different projects. Same thing…

Any help would be great, cheers!

@Noah_Kero I wonder if this is because you haven’t added hosting yet? I don’t use the ecomm myself but I created a new webflow project and went through the code and there’s a combo class added to the buy button hiding the actual button. If I had to guess, I’d say the fact that you haven’t got e-commerce hosting yet is why this is happening.

@sarahfrison, I have exactly the same problem. @Noah_Kero did you test “hosting” to solve the problem ? Does it solve the problem ?

Thank you for your help !

@Arthur_Samo replied to your other post :slight_smile:

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@sarahfrison @Arthur_Samo I have bought and enabled standard ecommerce hosting but I am still having the same issue. Please help @WebflowCommunityTeam

Hi :wave:

The buy now button is automatically hidden when Checkout is turned off. This is because the buy now button links directly to the checkout page and the checkout page is inoperable with checkout turned off.

If you’ve already added an Ecommerce site plan you’ll need to connect Stripe and then toggle on checkout then the buttons should appear.

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your response.

I toggled the checkout and then published. Still no luck :confused:

I believe this is a bug and we need it fixed asap @WebflowCommunityTeam

Hi again,

To clarify in order to enable checkout and see the buy now button on a published site a project needs the following.
1.) Stripe connected in Ecommerce settings
2.) Add an Ecommerce Site Plan
3.) The enable checkout toggle in the on position
4.) publish

Can you confirm that you’ve putt all of these in place and the buy now button is still not appearing. Currently I can’t recreate the problem from my end.

Thanks in advance.

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Thank you for your reply, I thought I set up all the payment details but I forgot to connect to stripe.

That was the issue, sorry for the trouble. Cheers


Thank you for such clear and precise instructions!

Guys this issue we are still facing now, buy now and checkout page is having bugs, stripe connection, checkout and all options are set right. Please fix asap to let our customers buy as you are causing us losses with this buggy tool. (webflow)

TBH this is pretty annoying when developing the website for a client. I can’t show them how it will look on the published site. There should be a way to test the ecommerce features and checkout before having to pay for the hosting or connect stripe, as often the website will be transfered from the dev to the client before those are set up.